Are you breastfeeding? Here’s what you need to eat!

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After giving birth, the mother must restore her reserves of vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary both for her and for the production of nutrient-rich milk. It is essential that the woman gives importance not so much to the quantity, but above all to the quality of the food. During this period, a higher caloric intake is indicated for milk production. Thus, the daily caloric requirement of a breastfeeding woman is 2,300 – 2,500 kilocalories.

Meat, source of iron

Animal proteins (from meat such as chicken or beef, eggs and fish) should not be missing from the diet of the breastfeeding woman, because they are an important source of iron, an indispensable nutrient for the mother and the child (iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells).

A daily consumption of 200 grams of meat is indicated, and eggs, preferably boiled, can be consumed every day. Attention, however, the meat should not be fried, but boiled or prepared on the grill. Sausages, canned goods and smoked meats are to be avoided, because the additives in these products can pass into breast milk.

Dairy products provide calcium

Calcium is an important mineral for the mother and implicitly for the fetus, that’s why milk (200 ml daily), cottage cheese (200 grams daily) and yogurt (100 grams per day) should not be missing from the new mother’s diet. Doctors recommend natural yogurts, and not those with fruits or flavors, because the latter contain additives and dyes.

Fruits and vegetables, for vitamin intake

Fruits, vegetables and greens are essential for vitamins and minerals. However, you should not eat more than three fruits a day, because the excess of raw vegetables can cause the child intestinal disorders. Beans, peas and cabbage can cause abdominal colic in the baby, therefore they are not indicated during breastfeeding.

Garlic, leeks, parsley, hot pepper, cauliflower, onions and spices are also to be avoided, because they can change the taste of milk, and there is a possibility that the little one will refuse it. Fruits and vegetables must be washed very well, to eliminate the risk of transmitting parasites or germs.

Because they provide fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, vegetable proteins and vitamins, cereals should not be missing from a breastfeeding woman’s diet, as they can be eaten for breakfast.

Hydration, good for lactation

Because they are involved in the production of lactation, the mother must consume at least two and a half liters of liquids per day: plain water, natural juices, soups and soups. The consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol (can be transmitted through milk) and excess coffee (produces agitation in the baby) should be avoided.

You can also consume teas that stimulate lactation, such as those of elderflower and fennel. There is a myth that a glass of beer promotes the production of breast milk. The opinions of doctors are divided in this regard: most prohibit the consumption of any drink that contains alcohol, including beer, others recommend beer without alcohol, and others believe that an occasional glass of beer stimulates lactation.
