Five creative activities for summer vacation


For kids, summer means fun, ice cream and, of course, more time outside.


For parents, on the other hand, the summer season comes not only with relaxation, but also with challenges regarding the activities of the little ones during the vacation. The following material will inspire you and help you plan your time so that you can enjoy the long sunny days together.

Plant vegetables

Sunny weather is perfect for gardening and planting. If you have a small space in the yard, encourage the little ones to grow their own vegetables. According to experts, June is a suitable month for planting cucumbers, corn, dill and, why not, potatoes and lettuce. In addition to the sensory experience, the little ones will develop their motor skills, but also their knowledge of cultivation methods. Also, during the activity, it would be interesting to find out what are the benefits of these vegetables for the body and what vitamins they give us if we eat them.

Create new contests

Competitions are fun and teach children that rules must be followed. In addition, by making such contests, the little ones learn social and emotional skills that help them cope with defeat and interact properly with other participants in the game. In addition to the classic competitions, such as football or running, think of new and original races. You can start a construction or children’s scooter competition. It will be much more fun if you get involved in such a game, so grab your scooter and take a seat at the start.

Go with the tent

If you haven’t tried such an experience before, don’t let the summer go by without going on a camping trip. Studies show that children spend less and less time in the middle of nature, something that affects the relationship with the environment. Moreover, such outings develop children’s sense of adventure, increase their self-confidence, but also the ability to adapt to new situations. As well as giving them a sense of freedom, a camping trip is a great way to stimulate their creativity.

Inaugurate a documentary evening

Movie nights are extremely popular with the little ones, but what if you replaced the classic movies with documentaries about nature, animals and other important topics? Moreover, instead of organizing everything in the comfort of the house, consider creating everything outdoors in the garden of the house. What could be more beautiful than watching documentaries under the sky full of stars? For a unique experience, don’t forget the beloved popcorn.

Build a fortress

Castles and fortresses are fascinating for little ones because they can develop a lot of role-playing games inside them. To build such a building you will need many boxes, tape and scissors. You can start talking to the employees at the stores in your neighborhood to purchase cardboard boxes and create the project together with the little ones. Finally, when you’re done, you can suggest the kids to paint it, and if you want it to last longer, try covering it with a raincoat at night.

Of course, don’t forget the much-loved craft projects like painting rocks and making wind chimes, but also various science experiments like making a volcano with baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring.

Photo credit: Shutterstock
