Discover now 3 ways you can protect your child’s vision


Every parent wants their child, regardless of age, to be healthy. One of the aspects they must pay attention to is the health of their eyes, considering the fact that there are many conditions that appear from an early age, such as myopia, strabismus, congenital cataracts, farsightedness, but also other serious vision problems.


Not all eye diseases appear when children are small, and there is a risk that if you do not properly protect your child’s eyes, and if you are not sufficiently informed, he may develop various unpleasant complications over time.

Here are the 3 aspects you need to keep in mind when it comes to your child’s eye health:

1. Regular ophthalmological consultations

It is recommended that the first ophthalmological checkup in a child’s life is done at the age of six months so that the specialist can check if there is any problem in the development of the baby’s eyes. The next check will be carried out at the age of 2 or 3, because it is the period when children discover the world, focusing their attention more on the people and objects that surround them. Then, another checkup will be done before starting secondary school, to detect if there are any vision problems that could affect his performance in the years to come. Attention, however, if you live in Bucharest and notice something suspicious in your child’s eyes, such as reduced eye contact or excessive blinking, you can make an appointment on the website, to go with him to a doctor’s office as soon as possible for ophthalmology, where he will have a specialist consultation. If your child has no vision problems, a check-up is recommended once every 2 years.

2. Glasses with UV protection

Children’s sunglasses are not only aesthetically pleasing, thanks to the small size and the combination of colors used, but also have a functional role, to protect their eyes. Considering the fact that little ones have much more sensitive vision than teenagers and adults, it is recommended that your little one, regardless of their age, wears quality sunglasses that block almost 100% of UV rays , to protect your vision as much as possible. In this way, it will be properly protected and will not suffer changes in vision in the near future, only to need treatment or even surgery to correct it later.

3. Establishing a healthy diet

A healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, can ensure the health of your child, implicitly also the health of the eyes. Vitamins C and E in fruits, specifically citrus fruits, can prevent certain infections. Vegetables such as cabbage, carrot, and spinach should not be avoided, even if they are not to the liking of all children, as they are of major importance in eye health. Avoid buying fast food as much as possible.

So, in order for your little one to have a healthy vision from the first years of life, it is important not to neglect the aspects listed above, more specifically: the ophthalmological control that your child must have at a certain period of time, the use of a pair of glasses with UV protection and the presence of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
