Mom and diet: What are the healthiest juices for weight loss and beyond


Fruits and vegetables are essential in a balanced diet. In addition to plain, you can consume them in juices, smoothies, drinks that, however delicious, refreshing and tempting they may seem to you, do not have the same nutritional value as freshly cut fruit.

Are fruit juices healthy?

The truth is that the consumption of juices in relation to the consumption of fruits and vegetables has positives and negatives. For example, the positives include that juices have the same minerals and vitamins as fruits and vegetables, while the negatives include that they lack fiber due to processing. Also, one cup of juice is more than one piece of fruit, which means you’re consuming more calories without even realizing it.

How to choose fruit juice

There is no reason to remove juices from your daily diet, however, due to their high sugar content, it is best to consume them in moderation and choose them carefully.

Below are some tips to choose the healthiest fruit juices.

Choose 100% juice. Check the product label for the fruit juice content of the drink. Juices that say 100% natural juice should contain only fruit and no preservatives or added sugars.

Pay attention to the characterization. The description of each product also indicates its composition. For example cocktails, nectar drinks usually contain sugar and are not 100% natural juices.

Check the sugar content. The CDC advises adults that sugar should not exceed 10% of their daily calories.

Prefer homemade juices. Homemade juices are definitely a much healthier and more nutritious option. Also the fruits are fresh and definitely healthier.

Juice Vs Raw Fruit

Many experts insist that eating fruit is better than drinking juice for specific reasons.

  • Portion control is easier. Half a cup of juice contains almost the same ingredients as a single piece of fruit. It falls behind, however, in fiber, vitamin C and calcium. It is therefore important to control the amount you consume.
  • Fruits have a lower glycemic index. The glycemic index differentiates foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Fruit has a lower glycemic index than juices which means it gradually raises blood glucose levels, thus prolonging the feeling of satiety.
  • Fruits contain fiber. Fruits are an excellent source of fiber, which is essential for bowel motility and the proper functioning of the intestinal system.

What are the healthiest juices?

The nutritional value of juices depends on the fruits and vegetables they contain. It is generally recommended to eat fruits of various colors as each color indicates its composition in nutrients.

The healthiest juices are:

  • Apple juice: Contains vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. 100 ml has 48 calories and 10.1 g of sugars.
  • Carrot juice: Contains vitamin A, E and K. 100 ml has 40 calories and 3.9 g of sugars.
  • Cranberry juice: Contains vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. 100 ml has 32 calories and 3.4 g of sugars.
  • Grape juice: Contains vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. 100 ml has 66 calories and 14.2 g of sugars.
  • Pineapple juice: Contains vitamin C, folic acid and selenium. 100 ml has 53 calories and 9.9 g of sugars.
  • Strawberry juice: Contains vitamin A, C, E and K, folic acid and potassium. 100 ml has 38 calories and 7.7 g of sugars.

With information from
