This is how you explain online spikes to teenagers!


When using the Internet, kids of all ages can be lured into scams that can cost them money or damage their reputation. So read our guide with tips to promote their online safety.


It’s important for parents to be aware of the most common types of scams that target young people so they can help their children avoid them. Many of these involve social media and are used to collect personal information for the purpose of identity theft.

Too good to be true? Fraud!

Most often, teenagers will be lured by fake auctions for luxury goods or promises of free items such as cell phones or other gadgets that are very popular among their generation. Teens need to be wary of content that sounds too good to be true. Designer bags or half price sneakers? Yes, these are probably scams.

In addition, phishing is a fraudulent practice that involves sending emails to a specific recipient with the aim of tricking them into providing personal or bank account information, which can then be used for identity theft. Today’s phishing scams are virtually unrecognizable, as scammers are more advanced at copying logos, fonts and tone of voice of legitimate companies, and inexperienced teenagers can be easily impressionable.

Another danger is downloading malware, that is, those that trick them into downloading harmful software onto their computer. Once installed, these programs allow crooks to access your files or track what you do on your computer. Scammers use this information to steal your personal data and commit fraudulent activities.

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Are you thinking how to convince your child that it is not safe when surfing the net? It all starts with a conversation. Knowledge is power, and a simple discussion can help raise awareness of potential problems on the Internet.

Teach him to protect his personal data!

Convince your child not to share their address or other personal information online. Pop-ups, trendy surveys and links on websites can be tricks designed to steal bits of personal information that can be used as the basis for a cyber attack. Dodgy dating apps, so used by teenagers, can also fraudulently use the personal data required to create new accounts.

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An antivirus program for mobile

Like computers, mobile devices can be infected with viruses and malware. Protect mobile devices by subscribing your kids to an antivirus product that offers safe browsing, scanning for malicious apps, and location tracking in case of lost or stolen phones. Additionally, when downloading any app, encourage your child to avoid public Wi-Fi, which is susceptible to hacker attacks in their attempt to access valuable personal information.

Connect only with people you know

Make it clear to your child that when they use payment or money transfer apps, they should only do so with people they know, and that goes for you too. Unlike an insured bank, apps don’t refund money you paid accidentally or in a scam scenario. In these cases, users are 100% responsible for transfers. It’s safest to only give your teen cash so they can’t use it online in any way.

