tips to prevent drowning

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Every year, especially in the summer season, children lose their lives due to drowning. What can you do to prevent drowning? The European Commission and Health Canada have launched a campaign on children’s water safety. Here are the tips for parents!

Keep an eye on the children at all times and do not move away from them

It takes seconds to drown: When near bodies of water, keep an eye on children and inexperienced swimmers at all times and do not let them get away from you to avoid serious accidents.

Make sure that children’s swimming accessories inflate correctly

When buying and using other inflatables designed to help children stay afloat:

  • check that the valves close automatically and the seams are strong enough so that air does not escape;

  • be sure to push the valve in after inflation.

Never leave children alone in or near water, even if they are wearing swimming accessories

Breeze or currents can push swimmers away from shore. Always keep an eye on the children and stay away from them even if they are using swimming accessories with a buoyancy system.

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