What tests are recommended during pregnancy?


The birth of a newborn is a moment of joy for the whole family. From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed until the first contact with the baby, the expectant mother goes through a period full of challenges and transformations both physically and emotionally. The greatest fears during the nine months of pregnancy are related to the development and health of the fetus, but the health of the pregnant woman should not be neglected either. So, constant monitoring and performing some tests during pregnancy they are essential for the good development of the fetus and for the health of the mother.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, to assess the health status of the expectant mother, the obstetrician may recommend blood and urine tests. They also help to detect possible diseases or infections with a possible impact on the development of the fetus and the evolution of the pregnancy. Blood group and Rh compatibility are also tested now. The first ultrasound of fetal morphology, which identifies possible chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, is performed towards the end of this first trimester of pregnancy, followed by the double test.

Because important changes occur in the pregnant woman’s body, there is a risk of deficiencies, such as, for example, anemia. To prevent such situations or to correct them, the doctor may recommend repeating the usual blood tests and in second trimester of pregnancy. In order to detect a possible risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects, a fetal biometry ultrasound is performed, along with the triple test. Also in this trimester, the most important ultrasound during pregnancy is performed, respectively fetal morphology of the second trimester, which aims to identify potential malformations of the fetus. If there is any suspicion of chromosomal abnormality or infection, the pregnant woman will be recommended amniocentesis, followed by cytogenetic or bacteriological analysis of the amniotic fluid.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the emotions grow even more, and the parents’ impatience to meet and hold their baby is to match. To make sure that everything is in order and that the birth occurs in safe conditions for both mother and fetus, without risk, the obstetrician may recommend a new set of routine tests. Collection of secretions from the cervix is ​​also extremely important, in order to rule out the presence of group B streptococcus, a bacterium that can cause serious complications if it is transmitted to the fetus during birth. This last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by much more frequent fetal biometry ultrasounds. These have the role of monitoring the normal development of the fetus and its positioning in the uterus.

After a careful monitoring of the pregnancy, to avoid any possible problems, it is recommended that the birth takes place in a full service maternityso that any issues that arise can be handled and resolved promptly and safely.

SANADOR Maternity welcomes future mothers with integrated maternity services, but also with a team of experienced doctors who make the experience of pregnancy and birth a pleasant one, and the joy of meeting the baby by the parents without unpleasant events. The Maternity of the SANADOR Clinical Hospital has a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit equipped with high-performance equipment, which provides vital support for the premature newborn and helps him adapt to extrauterine life, in conditions of maximum safety.

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