What women who want to get pregnant need to know

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Whether you’ve just recently started flirting with the idea of ​​becoming a mother, or you’ve been working on conceiving a child for a long time, these tips can help you achieve this dream.

If you’re one of those desperate for a baby, you’re likely to try almost anything to hurry things along. There are a lot of tips that you can implement, and some of them are really simple. You have probably already given up birth control pills, if you were using them. You should know that these hormonal contraceptives usually contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone that prevents you from becoming pregnant by suppressing ovulation or preventing implantation. It may take several months after stopping them for hormones to return to normal and periods to become regular again. Talk to your gynecologist about the long-term effects on a future pregnancy of your chosen method of contraception. In addition, do everything you can to live a healthy lifestyle.

Try to relax

The stress caused by the desire to conceive can reduce the chances of success, causing a decrease in hormone levels and inhibiting the secretion of cervical mucus. Along with stress, anxiety and the build-up of long-term frustrations caused by another young child in the family or a demanding job disrupt the menstrual cycle in women and affect sperm quality in men. A few days off, where you enjoy each other can help you fulfill your desire to have a child. Avoid overexerting yourself and reserve time for relaxation or disconnecting activities.

More movement

A better physical shape gives you more chances to get pregnant. Not only does exercise help you avoid obesity, which reduces fertility, but it also normalizes your blood pressure, lowers the stress hormone cortisol, and increases blood flow to your reproductive organs. Moderate physical activity, practiced 5 hours a week, increases fertility by about 20%. In men, practicing sports also improves sperm quality. To find a balance and avoid overwork, talk to your gynecologist. In the meantime, choose low-impact exercise, such as walking.

Choose the best fats

A balanced diet plays an important role in the success of conception. Healthy food ensures fertility and good development of the embryo. Good fats, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, increase sperm count and motility, while saturated fats, such as those found in fast food, can sabotage sperm size and shape, making them less resistant. Eat sardines, salmon, greens and nuts more often! Don’t forget to include a portion of high-fat dairy products in your daily menu to get more calcium. Also, be sure to have 2 servings of iron-rich foods (beef, spinach, broccoli, egg yolk, poultry liver), as some research shows that anemic women may have irregular cycles.

What is the role of prenatal vitamins?

Vitamin and mineral supplements taken daily protect you from the risk of giving birth prematurely. One study found that women who underwent fertility treatments and took prenatal multivitamins were twice as likely to get pregnant as those who only took folic acid. Although this finding is not a guarantee that you will get pregnant faster, it is worth making sure you get the necessary daily nutrients.

Read also: Mother after 35 years. What are the possible complications?

No excess caffeine

Excess caffeine sabotages your plans to conceive. Therefore, if you really want to become a parent soon, limit your caffeine intake to about 200 mg per day, the equivalent of about 2 cups of coffee. If you are undergoing fertility treatments, it is possible for your gynecologist to further reduce this limit.


Certain sexual positions, such as the missionary position, favor a pregnancy because ejaculation takes place closer to the cervix.


Vitamin C improves the quality of the sperm, which can move and fertilize the egg more easily

Expert advice

Dr. Andreas Vythoulkas, specialist in obstetrics-gynecology, with overspecialization in infertility

On average, it takes 2 to 6 months to conceive. If, after 12 months of trying, with regular and unprotected sexual relations, you did not get pregnant, you need a specialist consultation. After 2 or more miscarriages it is recommended that the infertility specialist investigate the causes that cause them. It is important to consult an infertility specialist if you have not been able to conceive and also suffer from diabetes, hypertension, genetic, kidney, heart, endocrine or premature menopause. In women, the first tests to detect the reason why pregnancy does not occur naturally are those that make up the complete hormonal profile. These analyzes are: LH, FSH, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, TSH, T3, free T4.
