Are you a toxic parent? These 3 signs betray you!


The relationship between parent and child can become toxic, without either of them consciously realizing it. It’s hard to talk about this aspect and just as hard to accept when you notice that you might be a toxic parent, but once you understand how things are, you can start to make changes.


The different way of being and thinking of the generations leads to the appearance of many relationship problems. When you grew up understanding things in a completely different way than your child’s generation, you may be surprised by accusations of toxicity.

There are traits that can describe a toxic parent, and some of them may seem exaggerated. When you come to the conclusion that you are a toxic parent, you should have a discussion with your child and openly ask him how he sees things. Check if you are among those who are toxic in the relationship with their child or if you have a tendency to become so in the future!

You consider your child an extension of you

The child has his own opinions about life and the older he gets, the more opinions he will have. Many parents discourage their children from making choices, expressing their point of view or making decisions on their own. However, they should not forget that there is a clear difference between being disrespectful and having your own beliefs and standards.

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What some parents perceive as a healthy mentality may not be the same mentality that their child has and which is equally healthy. This is why being a toxic parent means believing that your own child is just an extension of you and not a completely different individual.

You don’t respect her privacy

There are parents who refuse to allow their children to have their own space. However, it is important for them to enjoy some privacy in order to have healthy emotions and gain confidence in themselves. Not allowing your child privacy is a toxic trait.

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If you give your children space, they will see how much you trust them. This develops respect between parent and child and develops a healthier character. Children who are trusted by their parents, despite their mistakes, develop a healthy mindset later on.

You want to be his best friend

Being your child’s best friend may not seem like a trait toxic at first glance, but it is. It can damage the parent-child relationship and destroy the respect you have for each other.

As hard as it may be to accept, you are your child’s parent, not his friend. When you try to be the best friend, discipline is no longer respected. Children don’t see their friends as their parents, so when you put yourself in the role of the friend, you will be treated as such. You shouldn’t try to hang out with your kids and their friends and you shouldn’t dress like them to be accepted or appreciated.

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