Causes and when to go to the doctor

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When you want a child, but you can’t get pregnant, you start asking yourself more and more questions about infertility in women. The problem is a complex and delicate one, which more and more women over 35 have started to face in recent years.

You hear on the left, you hear on the right, but you don’t think that it can happen to you too until the moment you get tired of waiting and start to realize what is actually happening to your body. Infertility in women is a current problem with several causes, of a hormonal, medical, anatomical or even psychosocial nature, that is, when the lifestyle strongly leaves its mark (stress, sedentarism).

Infertility in women: among the causes, ovulation disorders

When talking about the causes of infertility, ovulation disorders occupy an important place, affecting 1 out of 4 couples who cannot have children.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that causes hormonal imbalances and is characterized by obesity, acne, excessive hair growth on the face, chest or back, the appearance of cysts and infertility.

Simply put, the body produces male hormones in excess. Therefore, the release of eggs by the ovaries occurs less often than usual.

And hypothalamic dysfunction is among the causes of infertility. Two hormones produced by the pituitary gland are responsible for stimulating ovulation each month: luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone. Intense work, stress, losing weight or gaining excessive weight in a short period of time affect the activity of these hormones.

Premature ovarian failure occurs when the ovaries stop releasing eggs before the age of 40. As a rule, the condition is caused by toxins, autoimmune diseases and due to the genetic factor. Women may experience night sweats, concentration difficulties, irritability, decreased libido and irregular periods.

Prolactin secreted in excess is another cause of infertility. If the pituitary gland produces this substance more than it should, it reduces the production of estrogen thus leading to the impossibility of having a child.

Fallopian tube dysfunctions (tubal infertility)

One of the causes of infertility in women is dysfunction of the fallopian tube – fallopian tubes. They connect the uterus to the ovaries and are essential for conception. Blockage or obstruction of the fallopian tube prevents the sperm from reaching the egg or blocks the access of the fertilized egg to reach the uterus, where the pregnancy develops. This problem can occur in one or both tubes.

Endometriosis, one of the causes of infertility in women

The endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus. When endometrial cells grow abnormally outside the uterine cavity, we can talk about the disease called endometriosis. Specialists say that almost half of the cases of female infertility are based on this condition. Unfortunately, doctors do not know the real factors of the disease, thus remaining one of the most controversial medical conditions in the field of gynecology.

Go to the doctor urgently!

Age is the clue that guides you when it is the right time to ask for the advice of a specialist in the field. You are less than 35 years old: specialists recommend trying at least one year before starting any treatment to stimulate fertility. You are between 35 and 40 years old: discuss your concerns with a specialist after 6 months of trying. You are over 40 years old: immediately discuss with a doctor whether or not you should start a treatment to stimulate fertility. Read also what preparation for in vitro fertilization entails. Find out about the steps that should be taken.
