How to protect your teenager from the pitfalls of the Internet

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Social networks put girls at risk

Almost 34% of those between the ages of 11-14 have an active profile on a social network (such as Facebook or MySpace), where they post a lot of personal information. Find out from him, with patience and tact, which networks this guy has accounts on and try to follow what information he gives about him.

Teenagers, especially, are tempted to put all kinds of information about them on their page: the biggest danger is that they can fall into the trap of strangers who can kidnap them and take them across the border for prostitution.

And a boy is in danger

Terrible is the watchword of a teenage boy. As he enters social networks, the only thing he wants to show is how “cool” he is and how new his phones and ipods are. From here it is easy to create a dangerous entourage that will lead him to steal, lie, sell things from your home.

Drugs are another danger that lurks. It’s easy to give in to friends with whom you communicate online and tell them what extraordinary sensations you experience after testing something. And if he enters this circle, it is very difficult to save him.

It establishes rules for using the Internet

For the safety of your teenager, impose rules for using the Internet:

1. Set a maximum duration of Internet connection (for example, an hour or two per day).

2. Install the computer in a visible place, preferably in a different room than the child’s. It would be good to know what sites they access and what they actually do on the Internet. Some may be restricted, but this will not necessarily protect him from danger. Anything forbidden is twice as exciting.

3. Teach him not to come into contact with strangers and not to disclose personal data to those he does not know.
