Mom Lets 14 Year Old Babysit, 2 Hours Later Gets Text That Says “I’m Baby”

parenting issues

When Sara (28) is in dire need of a babysitter but doesn’t have the money to pay for someone with experience, her only option is 14 years old Mindy. But after being away for only 2 hours, Sara already deeply regrets her decision as she gets highly worrying text messages from Mindy…

“I’m baby” & “Call 911” would forever be burned in her memory from that day forward…

When Sara (28) is in dire need of a babysitter but doesn’t have the money to pay for someone with experience, her only option is 14 years old Mindy. But after being away for only 2 hours, Sara already deeply regrets her decision as she gets highly worrying text messages from Mindy…

“I’m baby” & “Call 911” would forever be burned in her memory from that day forward…

Sara heard her phone going off at work, and she let out a sigh of relief. Finally, Mindy responded to her again after almost half an hour now. Sara had gotten more and more worried as time passed, but now everything was okay, she thought. Then she saw the messages…

Sara’s heart nearly stopped beating for a second. The messages read “I’m baby” & “Call 911”. Sara immediately started texting Mindy back, asking for an explanation but again got no response. Now panic was really setting in for Sara. What was happening to her baby?!

Mindy rushed away from work to get home while on the phone with 911. She just hoped it would be too late. How could she have ever trusted a 14-year-old to care for her baby…?

But what was happening that made babysitter Mindy send that message? Why did she put all her faith in a 14-year-old girl? And would Sara be home in time to save her baby?

As a mother, the only thing in life you want is to keep your child protected at all costs. This was no different for new mom Sara. She had dreamt of this moment for years and built it up in her head all this time. Everything was supposed to be perfect, but when the faithful day arrived, it wasn’t perfect at all…

When Sara knew she was pregnant, things turned a turn in her life. While she was extremely happy about it herself, her long-time boyfriend at the time, Steven, wasn’t. He didn’t want to be a father as he found himself too young at only 25 years old. He was not ready for that kind of commitment.

Sara was a bit older at 28 and felt like it was the perfect time for her. Her mind was already made up. Something that irritated Steven greatly. The disagreement led to many arguments between the pair, as Steven was adamant that she should let it get aborted. Sara felt like he didn’t give her a choice…

Eventually, the difficult situation led to the pair breaking up after being in a relationship for 3 years. Steven informed Sara that he would refuse to pay child support. She foolishly agreed to this as she felt bad for having the baby against Stevens’ will.

She thought it was unfair for her to demand that he would have to pay for a baby he didn’t even want in the first place. Even though it was his seed that caused this. But this decision did leave her with a load of other problems. And those would only really come to light when the baby was born…

Sara had to go through the long 9 months of pregnancy alone and eventually even gave birth alone. She didn’t even have her parents present because they still lived across the country and didn’t have the money to pay for the trip. Sara was heartbroken…

But apparently, money issues must run in the family as Sara is also very much struggling financially. And having a baby only puts more stress on the situation. She had to get back to work as quickly as possible, but how was this possible when she had a newborn baby at home?

There was a 14-year-old girl named Mindy living on her street that had recently babysat another kid in the neighborhood. She had liked this so much that she had put flyers in everybody’s mailboxes offering her services. She was almost always available when Sara needed her, but there was a problem…

Mindy was asking only a fraction of what older and more experienced babysitters wanted. But the big problem was that even though the 14-year-old girl had been a babysitter before, it was a 6-year-old boy that was already very used to having a babysitter as his parents had employed a variety of them over the past few years.
Babysitting the 6-year-old was vastly different than babysitting an actual baby. But what choice did Sara have? She decided to give it a shot and called Mindy to make an appointment with her. She came by the next day, and they agreed to do a test day babysitting. But was only one day really enough to be sure everything could go smoothly? 