Teas that pregnant women can drink

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Teas pregnant women can drink: ginger

This tea is ideal for relieving morning sickness, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is also helpful in the digestion process. And lemon tea is recommended for pregnant women. You shouldn’t drink more than two cups a day, experts say.

Teas pregnant women can drink: peppermint

Mint is ideal for relaxing the stomach muscles, therefore it helps to reduce nausea during pregnancy. And roiboos tea is good for pregnant women, as it is a good source of magnesium and calcium. It is also rich in antioxidants.

Teas that pregnant women can drink: rosehip

Rose hips are a rich source of vitamin C, which is why they recommend it for increasing immunity. You should not drink more than two cups a day, because it can harm the health of the teeth. Chamomile tea contains calcium and magnesium, which is why it is ideal for treating insomnia. And nettle tea is very good during pregnancy. Rich in vitamins A, C and K, it contains potassium and iron and has a beneficial effect throughout pregnancy.

Teas that are not recommended for pregnant women

A cup of green tea contains 40 mg of caffeine, so if you drink more than two cups a day, you may experience unpleasant surprises. Insomnia, hand tremors or excessive nervousness can be the result of the lost number of cups of green tea you drank.

Teas should be drunk warm, because if it’s too hot, it can damage your esophagus! Researchers from the University of Chicago say so. Do not drink tea at least half an hour before a meal, as it can reduce your appetite.
