This is how you keep your weight under control during menopause!

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Menopause brings many physiological changes, including weight gain. And hormonal fluctuations are the main cause of the roundness of women’s shapes during this period. There are some measures you can take to control your menopausal weight.

Most women begin to notice weight-related changes between the ages of 45-50, i.e. perimenopause, that stage preceding menopause, which then continues into menopause, when ovulation and menstruation have completely disappeared. When young, the representatives of the fairer sex accumulate fat on the hips and thighs, while, after 40 or so years, the “rolls” appear mainly on the abdomen. And this waist fat is not only unsightly, but also dangerous, increasing the risk of triggering cardiovascular problems.

Food and sport

First of all, it’s good to know that there are no miracles that happen overnight. To keep weight gain under control, you need to change your lifestyle in the long term. Strength training is recommended for menopausal women for the simple reason that, at this age, muscle mass is lost, and the process can only be reversed through exercises that develop your muscles. Why do we need muscles? Because they increase the amount of energy the body needs to function, to maintain optimal body temperature, heartbeat and breathing. A more developed muscle mass helps us burn more calories, which allows us to maintain weight control. So using weights during 2 mandatory weekly sports sessions can make all the difference to your figure.

Regulate your sleep

During menopause, the quality of sleep can suffer, and the lack of rest can cause you to eat more during the day and accumulate fat around the waist. If you can’t sleep well, stay away from the phone or TV at least an hour before bedtime. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and maintain these good habits every time. If you continue to experience sleep problems, contact your family doctor or a specialist.

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Check your medication and reduce stress

If you have started to gain weight while taking a new treatment, it is possible that it has a side effect of gaining weight. Ask your doctor if he can prescribe you other medicines without such unwanted side effects. In addition, stress can be another cause of weight gain. Menopausal women often take care of children, but also of parents or in-laws who are getting older and need more help. To take your mind off the problems, increase your physical activity or consult a psychologist. And, last but not least, give up exaggerated expectations! You have to come to terms with the fact that you will never look like you did in your 20s, and this is not a catastrophe. Just as you accepted the natural changes of puberty, when you first got your period and developed breasts, you must now accept the changes you go through as a natural part of getting older.


A new lifestyle. If you care about your figure, you have to eat less and move more. Avoid fats as much as possible, and as far as sports are concerned, any kind of physical exercise and walking are better than being sedentary.
