What you didn’t know about type II diabetes in children

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Usually, diabetes is type I insulin-dependent and requires special attention, which parents must pay to children, given the fact that the little ones do not have the necessary skills to properly detect and control their disease.

The treatment of children suffering from this condition largely depends on adults, because they can provide them with the necessary care.

Unfortunately, in recent years type II diabetes has also been found in children, mainly due to childhood obesity. Type II diabetes is a chronic disease, defined by high blood sugar levels, explained by the fact that glucose cannot be used properly by the body’s cells.

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The hormone called insulin, secreted by the pancreas, helps glucose enter cells for energy. In type II diabetes, insulin does not work properly to maintain a constant blood sugar level, a mechanism called insulin resistance.

Pay attention to the signs!

Parents must be attentive to any changes in the child’s life, especially since the signs of diabetes are extremely visible. Most often, the disease begins aggressively with a sudden weight loss, even 10-15 kilograms in just 2 weeks, with a strong feeling of thirst – the child ends up drinking 5-6 liters of water daily. Frequent urination or even hyperglycemic coma in the worst cases also occur.

said Adriana Dumitrescu, primary nutrition physician at the Sanamed Clinic, Center of Excellence in diabetes monitoring and treatment, Bucharest.

What are the risk factors?

The occurrence of type II diabetes in children is favored by the presence of certain risk factors, such as a body mass index (BMI) that exceeds 85, the development of this disease by relatives of the 1st or 2nd degree, the presence of diabetes or gestational diabetes in the mother .

Last but not least, the existence of clinical signs of insulin resistance, such as obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, ovarian cysts, are other factors that increase the child’s chances of developing type II diabetes.

It can be prevented

Regarding the prevention of type II diabetes in children, parents must be actively involved in the child’s life, maintaining the child’s optimal weight and ensuring a correct, varied diet adapted to the caloric needs according to age. Active hobbies, activities such as cycling, running, swimming, etc., should also be encouraged. In addition, if there is a risk of type II diabetes, a consultation with a doctor specializing in diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases is indicated, in order to take the necessary measures.

Treatment for the rest of your life

Parents must assume that the treatment of type II diabetes is not a momentary commitment, but for the rest of life. That’s why the child diagnosed with type II diabetes must go with the family to the doctor specializing in diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases, for the management of this condition. A correct and balanced nutrition plan is absolutely necessary to obtain an optimal weight and a blood sugar as close as possible to the normal one.
