My child is a little tyrant

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Lack of respect, insults and violent outbursts are some of the characteristics that little tyrants have towards their parents. The roles seem to have reversed, the parents becoming powerless to impose their point of view, their authority being undermined. Unfortunately, the consequences can have serious repercussions, so it is advisable not to allow or encourage such behavior.

Maintain a firm position

It is necessary that both parents have similar points of view. Discuss beforehand and agree on the decisions you make. If they are different, the child will immediately speculate on this situation, taking advantage of it, trying to manipulate the parent who will allow him more. One of the favorite habits of children, especially when they are young, is to break or change the rules. So, stay firm on your positions and don’t give up on the rules, which are important.

Teach him to take no for an answer

The child should know how to tolerate a refusal and not rage if things do not happen according to his expectations, this will also be useful in his future adult life, when he will face situations that will not turn out as he planned . In this way, he will learn to manage frustration and not let himself be dominated by it.


A loving parent does not mean a permissive parent, because sometimes certain rules and limits are necessary to help the child develop harmoniously.

It combines authority with affection

To be able to impose yourself in front of the child, it is useful to maintain your authority in front of him, but without depriving him of affection. Although it may seem paradoxical, remember the teachers who knew how to impose themselves in class when they had to, but who also had a kind word and a gentleness in their eyes. Never resort to violence, and whenever he does something good, encourage him.

Read also: What to do to temper his tantrums

Set rules

Clear rules, such as a fixed schedule for eating, playing, doing homework, and resting will help the child to have an orderly lifestyle. When the child knows exactly what to expect, he will become less anxious and more disciplined. Don’t give in to the emotional blackmail and manipulation tactics they may try with you.

Be an example!

When they are small, children tend to imitate their parents’ behavior, so be careful how you act around them, especially in tense situations. If he sees that you get angry easily, it is very possible that he perceives this behavior as natural and will behave similarly. Conversely, if when a problem arises you keep calm and look for solutions, the child will learn to do the same.

When he makes a mistake, show him that it bothers you

Even if at the moment you can find something funny in his cheeky behavior, do not encourage his attitude in any way, not even by drawing a smile. Because the child will think that you are encouraging him and will continue with his behavior. Teach him to develop empathy and put himself in the other person’s shoes, thus coming to understand how the parent feels.

Give him attention when it’s appropriate

Many children can turn into little tyrants also because of the lack of attention from their parents. This has a simple explanation at the base, namely that of attracting your attention, regardless of the method used. Most of the time, parents react only when the child misbehaves, so the attention obtained is guaranteed, but in a negative way.

Punish him when necessary

Punishment in no way means violent behavior. Establish a set of rules that must be respected and, if there are deviations, establish sanctions that you will apply. For example, it will no longer be possible to play with the other children or you will no longer watch the movie you were planning to watch. It would be preferable to avoid punishments that deprive him of his favorite food or sweets, because when he is good he will want to receive something extra good or he will behave appropriately just for the sake of the rewards, not because he feels like doing so.
