Common dental problems in children

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The gnashing of teeth

Bruxism is the clenching or grinding of the teeth, a condition that most adults are not aware of and that is not limited to them. Between 15% and 33% of children grind their teeth, usually at two key moments – when the primary teeth appear and when the permanent teeth come out. Most children lose this habit after the new set of teeth is complete.[doarlaaceştiaÎntre15%şi33%dincopiiiscrâşnescdindinţideobiceiîndouămomentecheie–cândapardinţiiprimarişicândiesdinţiipermanenţiCeimaimulticopiipierdacestobiceidupăcesetulnoudedinţiestecomplet

Most frequently, children grind their teeth during sleep, rather than during the day. No one knows exactly why this happens, but theories include misaligned teeth or irregular contact between upper and lower teeth, disease and other conditions (such as nutritional deficiencies, allergies, endocrine disorders), and factors psychological, including anxiety and stress.

“Teeth grinding in children can cause jaw pain, headaches and tooth wear. Consult the dentist if the child’s teeth start to look worn or if he complains of tooth sensitivity or pain”, explains dentist Andra Custra, from the Andra Smile Clinic.

Bad breath

There are cases when parents end up noticing that the little one’s mouth smells. Most often, the cause of hyalutosis (the medical name of this problem) is poor dental hygiene, through bacteria that feed on stagnant saliva, dental caries that have not yet affected the pulp and therefore do not cause pain, but only bad breath. Both acute and chronic sinusitis, pharyngitis or allergies have been associated with bad breath.

“Bad breath is usually solved by teaching the child to brush his teeth well and frequently. You can let the child choose a toothbrush and toothpaste. Make sure the brush has soft or medium bristles and is small enough for the baby’s mouth. Brushing the teeth together with the child is the best way to teach him how to brush properly. Once the baby’s teeth are touching, you should start flossing. This means healthier gums and the removal of decaying food particles. If you notice food left on the child’s tonsils, have him gargle with warm water to remove the food. Ensure the child’s dental check-up regularly, at least once a year”, adds the dentist.

How can you help the little one to stop grinding his teeth

– try to reduce the child’s stress, especially right before bed (through massage and stretching exercises to relax the muscles);

– make sure the child’s diet includes plenty of water. Dehydration can be associated with the habit of grinding your teeth;

– ask the dentist to monitor the child’s teeth, especially if he is used to grinding his teeth;[monitorizezedinţiicopiluluimaialesdacăelobişnuieştesăscrâşneascădindinţi;

– dental interventions are not necessary for preschool children. However, older children may need temporary crowns or braces.
