Myth: “Physical exercises are no longer safe at my age”
Although physical exercises are associated with minor injuries in the case of people of the third age, specialists in the field come with a different opinion. In fact, recent studies have shown that physical exercise, even light exercise, can significantly reduce the risk of falls or injuries.
“Physical activity is based on strength, balance and agility, that’s why even people who are used to exercise gain greater body resistance. Even light physical exercises bring benefits to the elderly, including those who are prone to osteoporosis”, said Chhanda Dutta, director of the Gerontology Clinic in the USA.
Myth: “I’m sick and I shouldn’t exercise”
Physical activity and illness do not make a “good house”? On the contrary. Movement can improve or make it easier to bear some of the symptoms of diseases specific to the third age. These include: arthritis, diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
Especially if the condition has been under control for a longer time, it is important that the attending physician gives consent for physical exercises. “The effects of physical activity are felt even if it is 5-10 minutes of movement per day, or of a low intensity,” says doctor Chhanda Dutta.
Myth: “The effects of movement are useless as they age”
Physical exercises bring benefits for the health of the body and not only that. The results of recent research have shown that movement can stimulate memory, but also prevent the onset of dementia in the case of the elderly. In addition to all this, people of the third age who are used to exercise are more independent, say the specialists.
“It is not good for the elderly to consider that physical activity belongs to a certain age. All the more so as it seems that some of the symptoms associated with old age, such as weakness or loss of balance, are actually symptoms of inactivity,” added Chhanda Dutta.
Myth: “I’m afraid of having a heart attack because of exercise”
It is known that physical activity can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. However, experts believe that the risks of suffering a heart attack are significantly lower than the benefits that movement can bring.
“Lack of physical activity is much more risky than light exercises, whether it’s young people or the elderly,” said doctor Dutta.