Romanians are smart (P)

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campaign “Romanians are smart” it’s a big success. Such as, for example, the National Day. More specifically, more than 270,000 people took to the internet and already searched for the phrase “Romanians are smart”. This means that the automatic suggestions from the Google search engine, which were quite badly crumpling the image of Romanians, now have every chance to change. Simultaneously, hundreds of sites wrote about the initiative, while the campaign was praised even in Germany, Italy, England, Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Russia or, quelle surprise!, in France.

Heavy names from the most diverse fields, but who love their Romanian brothers, also support the campaign: Ilie Năstase, CRBL, Ion Caramitru, Andreea Esca, Puya, director Corneliu Porumboiu, footballer George Ogăraru are among those who believe that Romanians are champions, educated, nice, smart, hospitable, or creative.

The suggestions offered automatically by made Loredana Salanța, Miss World Romania and Top Model of the World, join the campaign and support the search “Romanians are beautiful.” Our Romanian woman, who ranked the most beautiful women on the 6 continents, believes that changing Romania’s image begins with changing our opinion of ourselves and regaining confidence in our qualities. So starting in December, Loredana will proudly wear the t-shirts with the campaign message on the stages in Germany, China and India.

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If you also think that we are better, more beautiful or smarter than the internet says, go to now. Search “Romanians are smart” and let’s make Romania the first country in the world to sweeten its image on the net.

Wake up, Romanians, and on the Internet!

