Test: How is your memory?

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1. You notice a familiar person at the next table. Usually:

a) you immediately remember her name and where you know her. b) wait a few seconds to remember where you’ve seen it before. c) you can’t remember her name at all, that’s why you try to avoid any contact.

2. Forget about scheduled meetings altogether:

a) rarely.

b) occasionally.

c) often.

a) rarely, most of the time you are organized.

b) a little more often lately.

c) I often forget them, I already know how to find them.

4. You are with your friends and you have just started to tell something interesting:

a) you remember even the smallest detail.

b) repeat the details because you forgot what you wanted to say.

c) you forget your ideas and can no longer tell exactly how it happened.

a) the name of a person with whom you spent some time at the party.

b) a funny story that a friend told you.

c) where the party took place.

a) you easily follow the thread of the discussion and intervene when necessary.

b) it is usually easy for you, but sometimes you get distracted.

c) usually ask the person you are talking to to repeat certain details.

a) I don’t suffer from such a thing.

b) rarely.

c) it happens more often than I would like.

a) occasionally – I enter the room and forget what I came for.

b) sometimes – lately it happens more often that I forget.

c) frequently – you are known for how forgettable you are.

a) as usual.

b) it’s getting harder and harder for me to remember payday.

c) I never remember in time.

a) it is not true;

b) I have bad days, but rarely;

c) I kept having emotional swings.

Majority a)

Grade 10!

You don’t have the slightest problem in remembering even the smallest detail of your actions and those around you. You can take on the role of family “planner” without any problems, you don’t need a calendar or an agenda to remember birthdays or doctor’s appointments. Because you are used to remembering every detail of the discussion, you easily panic when you forget one thing or another.

Don’t forget that memory weakens with age. To keep the memory as strong, don’t leave things to chance. In your free moments complete puzzles, sudoku, crosswords and don’t miss meetings with friends. Every opportunity to socialize not only makes you feel good, but also keeps your memory sharp.

Memory is within normal limits

Although your memory is no longer as it was in your youth, you have nothing to worry about. Small memory “lapses” are normal with age. This is due to the fact that brain damage can occur, which, if left untreated, can lead to more serious conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.

Even if harmless memory lapses seem frustrating, remember that there are several easy ways to help your memory. Make sure you organize your daily activities so that the details are easier to remember. Get into the habit of leaving certain items, such as your wallet, house or car keys, in the same place. Instinctively you will look for them in their place, without turning the whole house upside down.

If it’s easier for you, keep a calendar of your daily activities. However, do not overuse it. Try to remember for yourself what it is about before you “consult” it.

Majority c)

Your brain sounds an alarm

Increasingly frequent episodes of forgetfulness have begun to affect your daily activities, hence the question marks regarding your health. If small “forgettings” are part of the aging process, increasing memory problems should be seen as a red flag. It’s time for a routine consultation, because it may be an early form of Alzheimer’s.

It is quite difficult to distinguish between normal and warning memory leaks, so here are three criteria that may indicate a more serious problem:

– you forget more and more things and it happens more and more often.

– “forgetfulness” episodes have started to affect your daily life.

– easily pass from cheerfulness to sadness, all associated with memory problems.

INFO: Balanced nutrition, rest and outdoor walks can delay memory loss.
