This is how you convince him to love reading

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Statistics show that less than a third of 11-12-year-olds read a book daily. And when they reach the age of 16-17, the percentage of those who read daily drops dramatically – below 10%.

Reading in adolescence should be a pleasure, not a chore, experts say. Unfortunately, the mandatory readings recommended by the school curriculum, for which students rarely show interest, or the novels from the parents’ library are not able to reactivate the leaning towards the written page. Reading is not old-fashioned Reading during childhood is important for the development of the taste for literature later on. What you have to convey to your child is that reading is neither old-fashioned nor boring.

The teenager should not perceive reading as an obligation. If you force him to open the book and if you also ask him not to exceed 10 pages, for example, you will get the opposite results. The strategy is to make him come to the books. Talk to him about the volume you’re just reading, tell him about the soul book of your adolescence. Tell him humorous episodes – arouse his curiosity.

If your teenager often sees you with a book in hand, there is a good chance that they will follow your example. Read them out loud, even when they are older. Comment on the different passages. On weekends or when you have time, take him to visit the municipal library or one that has a generous collection of books.

You don’t necessarily need to browse “serious” works. Look through comic books, travel magazines, music. It can be funny, and that encourages real reading!

The big mistake of parents, experts say, is that they try to impose tomes of classic literature on children, which young people often consider “dusty”, boring, not having the patience, culture and experience to appreciate it at its true value.

Therefore, offer the teenager books that are fashionable among those of his age: fantasy novels – a kind of sci-fi back to the past, with “remixed” myths and legends. Young people love to escape from reality through these modern fairy tales.

Take an interest in what your child’s friends are reading. He will more easily accept to share the experiences of acquaintances from the circles he frequents. He will even try to get the “top” readings, which everyone comments on or after which the “coolest” movies were made.

If your child is a fan of a great actor, singer or athlete, look in magazines and specialized websites – maybe the respective VIP does not mention something about favorite readings. Share the information with your teenager – he will surely want to imitate his idol!
