When the first movements of the fetus appear. What signals is your baby giving you?

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Becoming a mother is an extremely emotional and beautiful moment for women, in general. From the first moment until you meet your baby, you will go through a very emotionally charged period. The first movements of the baby are truly the most important moments in your life.

Find out from this article some information about the miracle in your belly and when to expect the first movements of the baby. Life is an incredible thing, which develops right inside the womb, having its own activity.

When do the first fetal movements occur – what happens before the first movements?

Conception occurs when the sperm unites with the egg. It is a special moment, because the fertilization involves an amazing race in which around 500 million rivals participate, who all “run” towards the col. Only one out of so many millions will penetrate inside the egg for fertilization to occur. When the two nuclei, of the sperm and the egg, unite, they give birth to a new nucleus of 46 chromosomes, thus creating a new and unique genetic material.

On day 8, the embryo prepares to enter the uterus. Until then, it passes through the fallopian tube and develops into a blastocyst. Once inside the uterus, the embryo begins to give some chemical signals to its environment and settles where there are the best conditions to develop and grow. From the 15th day of the embryo’s life, the first nerve cells are created. The heart develops from the time the embryo is a microscopic mass of cells. So, newly formed heart muscle cells contract, the heart begins to beat for the first time on the 22nd day.

When the first movements of the fetus appear – the heart starts beating from the 22nd day

Already from the sixth week of pregnancy, the human embryo can be distinguished as a vertebrate being. The eyes, the mouth, the nose, the whole face can now be distinguished, and the hands, which look like little wings, begin to be distinguished. By the time the mother enters the third month of pregnancy, organogenesis, that is, the formation of the embryo’s organs, has been successfully carried out. So, even if nothing is felt, a new specific genetic structure is formed inside, which is 3 cm and 10-15 grams. From here on, the little one will have to perfect his traits and abilities, thus preparing to survive in the outside world. We can therefore speak of a new human being, with a unique organism, which from the first weeks produces its own blood from the liver and has its own beating heart.

When the first movements of the fetus appear – between 15 and 25 weeks the first movements appear

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Depending on the constitution of each woman, the position of the fetus and how active it is, each woman will feel the first movements of the baby differently. Some mothers talk about that feeling, “butterflies in the stomach”, as early as the 13th to the 15th week. During the first pregnancy, movements are usually felt around the 20th week, from the second pregnancy it is very possible that the baby will be felt earlier. However, movements start between 13 and 25 weeks.

The fetus has quite a lot of internal activity, but it feels best late in the evening, when there is total silence, the mother rests and can feel better. If you are lying on the bed at night and it is very quiet in the house, it is possible to feel the movements of your little one very early, even from the 16th week. However, there is no rule when and how to start moving. You don’t have to worry if you don’t feel early, the baby will notify you of its existence at the right time. You don’t have to worry even if he doesn’t move very often. At first you will feel his activity very little and less often, and as it develops, you will feel it move more and more often and more intensely.

From the 28th week your baby can hear you, so a new stage begins. You can talk to him, you can sing to him, he will react more and more to your emotions, to your sensations of heat, cold, hunger, etc. He may also have certain reactions, be more active, to certain foods or activities. For complete information about intrauterine life go here.
