World Family Day: Why is the family important?


THE family is important. And there is no doubt that everyone needs a family in their life. But why is family so important? Why do we need it?

Below you will see some of the main reasons why family is so important and how it can help us achieve our goals and live a beautiful life.

It creates a positive family identity

When families spend time together and share common experiences, they create a strong family identity. This is important for children as a close and strong family will help them feel safe and loved. They will feel like they belong, have confidence and succeed in school and in their future relationships.

A positive family identity also provides protection against negative influences outside the home. In short, a healthy family is essential for the well-being of its members and for the health of society as a whole.


It teaches us the social skills we need

From the moment we are born, it is our family that teaches us how to communicate with others, share feelings and build strong relationships.

As we grow older, these skills become more complex, but they create a foundation upon which we can build lasting friendships and close partnerships. Even as adults, we continue to learn from our families. It may not always be present in our lives, but its influence remains.

Through the interactions we have within the family, we learn how to resolve conflicts, express our needs and set boundaries. In short, the family is one of the most important teachers of social skills. Taking the time to cultivate these relationships can reap immeasurable benefits throughout our lives.

It gives us a sense of security

Family is always by our side in good and bad times. Belonging to a family – to be around people who love you unconditionally and provide you with comfort and warm memories – is one of the basic human needs. From the moment we are born we are surrounded by our family.

That sense of security comes from knowing that some people care about you and want to protect you from harm. When you have this kind of support, it can be easier to face life’s challenges because you know you’re not alone.

Even when we live alone as adults, family is always by our side, giving us a sense of stability in our lives.

It provides emotional support when we need it most

We all need someone to lean on at some point. Life can get tough and it helps to have someone in your life who won’t judge you and will offer you a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a hand to pick you up when you fall.

In difficult times, our family is often the first place we look. He knows us better than anyone and is always there for us.




It helps you create your personality

Everyone is shaped by the people and environment around them, but no one can influence you more than your family. For better or for worse, parents, siblings and other relatives have a great influence on our lives.

They are the first people we learn from and they are the ones we follow. As we grow older, we may drift away from our family, but its influence remains.

One of the most obvious ways that family shapes us is through genetics. We inherit our physical characteristics from our parents, such as hair color and eye color. But apart from that, we also inherit other things from our parents though, inclinations towards music, painting or a predisposition to certain diseases. Even if we can’t choose our genes, we can learn to embrace the traits that make us unique.

It teaches us forgiveness and compassion

Forgiveness is a very important thing that we will all learn as we grow up, but it is not always easy. It may take a lot of practice and many years of dealing with different situations before we fully master this skill, but it is worth the effort we put into learning it because forgiveness has so many benefits.

Forgiving others can show children what happens when someone does something wrong. By showing compassion for those who have done wrong, children learn not only how forgiveness works, but also why we should take the time to forgive others who have hurt us.

In this way, children learn not only empathy and understanding but also values ​​such as taking responsibility for their actions or inactions.

with information from
