World Parents’ Day: A good parent is…


Being a parent isn’t easy. Being a good parent is hard.

What makes a parent, good?

They are good parents who make choices thinking about what is best for their child.

They are good parents who put their lives second and prioritize their child.

They are good parents who work one, two, three and four jobs so that their child doesn’t miss anything.

They are good parents who work together and adjust their schedule so that the child has at least one near him while the other is working.

They are good parents who take care of their child.

They are good parents who spend the night at their bedside while they are sick.

They are good parents who run with their souls in their mouths to school when the teacher calls them.

They are good parents who leave their children with grandma and grandpa to go to work.

Good parents are those who they make sure there is a plate of food on the table.

Good parents are those who they become a good example for their children.

Good parents are those who they read with their children.

Good parents are those who they run from activity to activity and tutorial to tutorial.

They are all good parents the parents who would give their lives for their child.

They are good parents who do not hit their children and treat them with respect.

They are good parents who do not think of their “I” but of their child’s “I”.


But what else makes a good parent? A good parent should not only be defined by their actions but also by their intentions.

A good parent doesn’t have to be perfect. Nobody is perfect. No child is perfect, either.

A good parent has a strong marriage

For John Gottman, Ph.D., Vice President of the Marital and Family Research Institute, in Seattle, a good marriage plays an important role in parenting and child care. To be a good parent as he says you must have one “strong” marriage.

“Children are affected by their parents’ relationship in various ways. First, research has shown that adults who have married for strong passion and love are more effective parents. They are more patient and more attentive to their children’s needs. Unhappy parents, on the other hand, are more incompetent in dealing with and managing their children. They are inconsistent and sometimes harsh in the way they discipline. Since they cannot overcome their own problems, they cannot adequately care for their children.

But beyond all the above what is important for children is the type of marriage the couple has. THE marriage and the parents’ relationship profoundly affect the quality of relationships that children will develop as they grow up.

When children see their parents interacting with each other with respect and love, they get their first lessons on how to get along with other people. When they observe how their parents work through problems, they learn how to resolve conflicts as well. When they see their parents kissing, they feel comfortable and safe.

In a few words, the strongest courses that children get is from what happens in their home and the lessons of a good marriage will stay with them for life!’

Tips for parents




Below are some tips that will help you become better parents, learn how to be good parents and how to avoid bad parenting.

Don’t just tell your kids what you want them to do. The best way is to show them. Children adopt habits and copy everything their parents do. Be the people you want your children to be. Respect them and show them how to be positive empathetic people.

Love them and show them that love through your actions

Show your love. There is nothing more beautiful than loving your children. Love will not spoil them. On the contrary. Love them, hug them, kiss them, spend quality time together, have lunch together and listen to them whenever they have – and want – to tell you something.

Raise them with kindness and positivity

Sing silly songs together. Run next to each other. Go to the park. Laugh. Be understanding of their tantrums.

These positive experiences will help your children create lifelong memories and help them grow, develop and develop in a happy and positive family environment.

Be their safe haven

Show your children that you will ALWAYS be there for them. Show them that you recognize their needs. Support them and accept them. Be the warm and safe environment where your children can – whenever they need it – return.

Children who are raised by parents who respond to their needs and show that they are their security tend to have better emotional development, be social and have better mental health.

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