Calcium and vitamin B12 should not be missing from the diet of the elderly

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No matter what age we are, it is important to eat as correctly as possible and keep fit. As we age, the body changes its requirements a little, so certain nutrients become more important for maintaining health.

Calcium and vitamin D

To maintain bone health, the elderly need more calcium and vitamin D. It is recommended that they consume 3 times a day foods and drinks rich in these elements. Natural fruit juices, fortified with calcium, green vegetables and other greens (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, parsley, etc.), canned fish with bones. If calcium supplements are used, they must also contain vitamin D3.

Vitamin B12

Many people over the age of 50 are deficient in vitamin B12. If you don’t eat too much fish or seafood or lean meat, ask your family doctor to recommend a food supplement with vitamin B12.


In addition to aiding digestion and sweeping the colon, preventing waste from building up, fiber reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevents type 2 diabetes. Legumes, whole grain breads, fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber. Make sure to drink enough water to make their passage through the body as efficient as possible.


The elderly tend to suffer from hypertension, which means that the sodium in their diet should be as low as possible. The consumption of potassium, however, must be increased, good sources being bananas, oranges, carrots, green vegetables and potatoes. Reduce the salt and replace it with your favorite spices: dill, pepper, oregano, thyme, etc.

Good fats

Foods that contain saturated and trans fats increase the risk of a heart attack, so it’s good to go for the good fats in avocados, fish and various nuts and seeds, raw or cooked. Olive oil is also recommended.
