How do you protect your child from diseases in winter

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As winter comes, you hear more and more mothers asking themselves: “What do you give your child for immunity?”. And the answers come quickly: sea buckthorn syrup, echinacea, propolis or honey. Such natural aids are only good now, when children’s immunity is tested by low temperatures. In addition to these, there are also some measures that protect children from respiratory infections.

Hand washing is very important

Did you know that around 80% of the germs that cause illness, including colds and flu, are on dirty hands? This is why it is important to teach the child to wash his hands as often as possible, mandatory after coming from outside and before eating. To be sure that the germs have been removed, the hands need to be washed for 1 minute with warm water and soap.

Encourage him to blow his nose often

Nasal secretions (rhinorrhea) can be the first symptom of a cold. In order to avoid complications, it is important that the little one blows his nose as often as possible, so that mucus does not accumulate and make breathing difficult. In addition, complications such as otitis can occur. Physiological serum and sea water are also helpful for the hygiene of the child’s nose.

Air the rooms daily

Rooms must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes daily. Otherwise, pollutants and mites (dust) accumulate in the rooms, harmful to the health of children and adults, as they irritate the respiratory tract. Even when the child has a cold, it is still necessary to ventilate the rooms, so that microbes do not multiply. Do not overheat the child’s bedroom; the right temperature is 21-22 degrees Celsius. For good humidification, you can keep a glass of water on the radiator. It is good to know that too hot or too dry air attacks the mucous membranes of the nose, which become more sensitive to microbes.

Don’t randomly give him antibiotics

More and more in recent years, parents give their children antibiotics, on their own initiative, for colds, for example, for fear of complications that may arise. But such drugs should always be prescribed only by a doctor, in cases of bacterial infections. Antibiotics disrupt the intestinal flora, making children even more sensitive to diseases. In addition, these drugs create resistance, which means that the little ones will no longer respond to the treatment when they really need it.

Pay attention to food!

Children need an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals, which they can get from a varied diet. Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in the child’s daily menu and keep him as far away from sweets as possible, as sugar weakens his immunity. A homemade orange juice provides the child with the daily dose of vitamin C, which provides protection against viruses and bacteria. For good hydration, give the child soups and hot teas as often as possible.

Read also: The most common diseases in children

Don’t pack it when you take it out

Even if it’s cold, outdoor walks are recommended, because I ride it. But pay attention to how we dress the little ones. Doctors warn us not to crowd them, because this can lead to overheating. By sweating, children become more sensitive to colds. It is best for the little ones to be dressed in more clothes, but thinner ones, preferably made of natural materials (cotton, wool). Thus, body temperature can be regulated more easily. We cover the child’s mouth with a scarf, especially when the temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius.
