Myths about raising children

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The attitude you have towards your child influences his development more than you think. No one said that parenting is easy, but at least try to avoid some major mistakes, such as aggression towards the child. Set rules without turning into a tyrant and show him affection without pampering him too much.

“The fight is broken from heaven”

The saying “where mother gives birth grows” could have much more unpleasant consequences than you imagine if it is put into practice. Physical violence especially leaves psychological imprints on the child. It is very likely that the beating will create feelings of guilt and turn him into an introverted, inhibited and even aggressive adult. The beating creates a feeling of fear towards parents and towards other people. In order not to reach such a relationship between you, it is better to use the model of sanctions and rewards. Beating does not have an educational role, as many might be tempted to believe, but it is, at most, a way of teaching the little one what not to do, not what to do.

“The child should be kissed only when he is sleeping”

One of the most important needs of the child is to feel loved by his parents. Affection, manifested through caresses and caresses, helps him to develop healthy from a mental point of view, so you should not skimp on it. Of course, be careful that excessive caressing does not turn into pampering.

“You don’t have to show him affection after he’s made a mistake”

It’s in children’s nature to be naughty and mischievous. But when you punish him, you must distinguish very well between him, as a person, and the mistake he committed. Choose a constructive punishment, but do not refuse his affective gestures.

“The father must not admit his mistakes”

It is very likely that, from time to time, you will punish your child for a mistake that he did not commit. As soon as you realize this, openly admit that you were wrong. Don’t forget that you are an example for your child through your every action. In addition, exaggerated severity can develop some frustrations in the child that he will “overflow” in adulthood.

“You can punish him later”

If you punish him tomorrow for a mistake he made yesterday, he may not make an immediate connection between the punishment and the deed. That’s why it’s good that after he’s made a mistake, you immediately tell him what prohibitions he has, so that the cause-effect relationship can be logically outlined in his mind. Also, the punishment must be proportional to the deed committed by him, not too lenient, but not too exaggerated.
