Parent of a teenager? Here’s how you can communicate better with him!

Parent of a teenager?

Very calm

Try to keep calm in the various discussions you have with him. It imposes limits, but not without giving him the opportunity to decide for himself. So he will learn that certain decisions can bring them unpleasant consequences. Also, try to find the balance between severity and gentleness. In this way, you will be able to make yourself understood more easily and you will notice more cooperation from him. Try to involve him in making decisions about your family. Thus, you will give up the role of protective parent and you will leave him the freedom to experiment with making decisions.

Communication above all

Recently, teenagers prefer to communicate more by typing messages, talking on the phone, or through various social networks. However, don’t forget, especially during that period, direct communication between you and him plays an extremely important role.

Through discussions, the adolescent must know ahead of time what to expect and what consequences his actions may have. Being his friend, you can have more involvement in his activities, thus also having the possibility to supervise him, but without invading his personal space.

Behavioral changes

Your child turned into a teenager overnight. More stubborn by nature and on the map all the time, the teenager tends not to accept the imposition of rules, but he also does not respect the promises made.

If he has made a habit of staying late in the evening around town, ask other parents about the time of “entering the house” and try to give him 10 minutes of respite from the originally set time. Talk to him about this, and if the situation continues to repeat itself, you can later apply the consequences.
