What can he do during the summer vacation

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Camps for all tastes

In the mountains or at the sea, nothing is more beautiful for a student on vacation than the camps that will always remain in his memory. The most popular are the thematic camps: foreign language, sports, photography, dance or astronomy camps, you will surely find something to your child’s taste. Prices start from 400 lei for five days.

Summer schools, fun and useful

If he stays in town, you can choose a summer school together. If you can’t afford to send him to camp, summer school can be a slightly more affordable option. The courses last at least one week, during which they learn to paint, sing or deepen a foreign language.

Volunteering, a fashion among young people

It is not a fashion in our country, in fact it is an activity viewed with skepticism. However, volunteering has more and more followers, especially among young people. Whether they have more time, or are sensitized by certain social or ecological problems, they dedicate a large part of their free time giving a helping hand where it is needed. Plant trees, clean the side of a mountain, go to homes for the elderly or visit centers for children without families, there is plenty to choose from when it comes to volunteering.

It will catch him well the moment he

will hire, because activities based on volunteering look good on the CV and they are

important for many employers.

As much sport as possible

It is not necessary to do sports in a frame

organized. However, it would be better to have a fixed training schedule, because

so he will take things more seriously and have more enthusiasm. And here,

the possibilities are multiple.

A course of

football for two months can cost between 150 and 400 lei, depending on

the frequency of the courses and the club you enrolled him in. If he doesn’t know how to

swim, it’s a good time to learn. A course with eight sessions costs between 75

and 200 lei. If he is passionate about tennis, he can train at a sports base

with 150 – 300 lei for eight sessions.

Dancing is suitable for girls. A course of eight sessions costs between 85 and 150 lei.
