What foods are not indicated for pregnant women

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Nutrition during the 9 months of intrauterine life is very important for the baby. There are a number of foods that the expectant mother must avoid, because they harm not only her, but especially the fetus.

Instead, they both need protein (milk, yogurt, chicken or fish), monounsaturated fats (nuts, seeds), vitamins, especially B9 (folic acid), and minerals like iron and calcium. They can be easily obtained from fruits and vegetables if they are consumed between 2 and 4 portions per day of each. During pregnancy, there is no need to eat for two, as the people say, but to eat more healthily.

What to watch out for

Proteins are necessary during pregnancy, as they give energy to the mother and ensure the development of the child’s brain and muscles. However, more attention is needed regarding protein-rich foods.

Gynecologist Dumitru Gafițanu states: “Seafood should be avoided because of the risk of toxoplasmosis, and smoking can be contaminated with listeria, a microbe that, by crossing the placenta, can affect the fetus.

Meat pâté made from insufficiently prepared heat can transmit infections with salmonella or Listeria, which negatively influence the development of the fetus”. Moreover, raw or undercooked eggs can transmit the Listeria infection, along with soft cheeses, such as feta or those with mold, which contain unpasteurized milk.

Fish consumption during pregnancy should be higher than usual due to the fact that they are a source of fatty acids, essential for the brain development of the child.

As these acids are not normally produced by the body, they must be obtained through the mother’s diet. “Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of premature birth, but reduce the chances of developing asthma or allergies after birth”, indicates doctor Gafițanu. However, be careful about the type of fish you choose!

The smoked or refrigerated one can cause Listeria infection, and the large one (shark, swordfish, king mackerel), eating smaller fish, has a longer life span and repeatedly accumulates large amounts of mercury. The substance, once it reaches the fetus, affects its neurocerebral development. Smaller fish, salmon, trout, sardines are recommended.

Consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy, caffeine and black tea accelerate the heart rate of the fetus, cause palpitations and hypertension in the mother. In addition, doctor Gafițanu warns: “Caffeine in quantities over 20 mg per day in the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.

That is why it is advisable to consume it with weighting, especially since caffeine is a significant diuretic, which can lead to the elimination of water and calcium”.

Even green tea should not be found in the diet of a pregnant woman, because it leads to a deficient absorption of folic acid. All the more, alcohol should be avoided, regardless of the quantity or type, which can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

…does pineapple promote abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy? It contains an enzyme called bromelain that has a softening effect on the cervix. However, this risk is present if 7 fruits are consumed per day.

…can rosemary and rosemary oil in large quantities cause uterine contractions? The quantity in which it is used for culinary use has no adverse effects, but it is not recommended in the form of oil.

…fast food preparations have a high level of salt, fat, additives. It takes 300 extra calories per day, compared to the usual requirement (2,000-2,500), but procured from healthy sources.

The oil extracted from flax seeds contains an essential fatty acid called alpha linoleic acid. It has an important role both in the global development of the fetus and in its brain development.

However, there is a study that indicates that flaxseed oil consumed during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters increases the risk of preterm birth. In this context, the consumption of whole seeds or vegetables that contain essential fatty acids in smaller quantities is recommended.
