Responsible for urinary tract infections are germs that enter the urinary tract (urethra, bladder, ureters). During pregnancy, hormonal changes create a favorable environment for the development of such infections. The uterus increases in volume and exerts pressure on the urinary bladder, which will no longer be able to completely eliminate urine. Therefore, there will develop a favorable environment for the multiplication of bacteria. It is important to know that an infection not treated in time can lead to premature labor or the birth of a child with a weight below average. Women who have had urinary infections before pregnancy are much more prone.
The most common symptoms
If you have a urinary tract infection, you may experience pain or discomfort when urinating, the need to urinate much more often than usual, cramping or pain in the lower abdomen, and cloudy urine, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. If the infection worsens and ascends to the kidneys and bloodstream, it can cause lower back pain, malaise, and fever.
Consult a doctor
The health of the fetus must be a priority for you. Therefore, do not neglect the first signs of a urinary infection and go to a specialist doctor. The condition can be treated successfully and without much discomfort, if it is in its early stages. Given the fact that you are pregnant, you cannot take treatment without a prescription, especially if it is antibiotics. You need to do several tests, including urine analysis and culture, to see which antibiotic the bacteria is sensitive to.
Recommended treatments
Usually, urinary infection is initially treated with antibiotics suitable for pregnant women, and the treatment can last between 3 and 7 days. Aggravation of the disease requires thorough control, hospitalization, and administration of intravenous antibiotics. Bed rest is also recommended during treatment.
What natural remedies can you try?
To get rid of a urinary infection faster during pregnancy, you have at your disposal the help of nature, more precisely plants. You can drink tea from cherry or cranberry tails. These are diuretics, anti-inflammatory, and can be consumed for several days. Take care of your diet and avoid, as much as possible, sweets, salty foods, or pastries. Choose, instead, fruits with diuretic effects, such as grapes or blueberries, and don’t forget to eat garlic and onions, also known as natural antibiotics. In addition, it stimulates kidney activity and keeps diseases at bay.
How to prevent urinary tract infections
– Hydrate yourself daily (at least 2 liters of water) – Make it a habit to urinate as soon as you feel the need – Don’t forget to urinate before and after sexual contact, so as not to promote the proliferation of bacteria – Wear cotton underwear (the synthetic one retains and multiplies bacteria) – Carefully wipe the intimate area, from front to back and maintain hygiene – Avoid spices that irritate the bladder – Avoid coffee and drinks that contain caffeine
Expert advice
During pregnancy, 10 women out of 100 get a urinary infection. Among the causes are immune deficiency, hormonal changes, non-compliance with hygiene rules, and the habit of retaining urine.
Progesterone loading leads to a slowing down of excretory functions. Also, the urinary pH changes, it becomes alkaline and favors bacteria. It is recommended that pregnant women do a urine sample every month of pregnancy.
If he has had urinary infections before or is often faced with this problem, it is possible that he suffers from a kidney pathology: cysts, or kidney malformation. In this case, it is recommended to do a kidney ultrasound, which will indicate the stage of the condition. An untreated urinary tract infection can lead to septicemia, fetal growth retardation, or even death.
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