Causes of IVF failure

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“What went wrong, what is the cause, is there anything else to do?” are just some of the questions that bother the couples who put all their hopes in this procedure with multiple financial, physical and emotional implications.

To find out more about the possible causes of in vitro fertilization failure, we spoke with Dr. Andreas Vythoulkas, obstetrics-gynecology specialist, with super-specialization in infertility. The news of the failure of an in vitro fertilization is not easy for any of those involved in this procedure, starting with the two life partners, the specialist doctor, the laboratory doctor or assistant because a negative result can be devastating.

There are patients who after the first attempt are discouraged from trying again, others are disappointed that they do not receive a very clear answer, but the causes of a failure can be multiple and which we, the doctors, find out and solve by trying to improve the chances of success in a future fertilization, Dr. Vythoulkas told us.

Lack of a correct diagnosis

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One of the causes may be the lack of a complete and correct diagnosis before starting the steps of an in vitro fertilization procedure. Unfortunately, there are cases of infertility that are misdiagnosed, and the treatments followed only make it harder to get pregnant.

A frequent cause is the thin endometrium, which does not facilitate embryo implantation, but also the presence of endometrial cysts. Another important cause of IVF failure is poor quality embryos.

Especially if the patient is over 35 years old, PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) and PGS (pre-implantation genetic screening) genetic analyzes are recommended.

Diseases of the uterus

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Problems of the uterus, such as endometrial polyps, fibroids, uterine synechiae (scars or adhesions inside the uterine cavity) are another common cause of fertilization failure, added Dr. Vythoulkas.

An important chapter in the causes of IVF failure is thrombophilia, that coagulation disorder that causes the embryo to not implant, or to implant but for a short period, following the abortion.

Diagnosed correctly, thrombophilia is corrected, increasing the chances of success of in vitro fertilization.

Other causes of the failure of an IVF are represented by the presence of infections with viruses, bacteria and mycoplasmas, which have no symptoms, but which can decrease the chances of success in embryo implantation, autoimmune diseases – the body produces antibodies that “attack” the embryo, preventing the fixation of the embryo , vitamin D deficiency, too low progesterone level.

The failure of an in vitro fertilization is not easy to overcome, but the analysis of all the stages completed together with the specialist doctor, new analyzes and investigations and last but not least the mental preparation are very important for the preparation of another fertilization, which I recommend to be done at a minimum two months after the previous procedure to give the ovaries time to return to their initial state, but also for the patient to regain her confidence and positive attitude.

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Dr Vythoulkas Andreas, medic obstetrics-gynecology specialist, 021.9607
