Signs that he has intestinal worms

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Walking with bare feet on surfaces full of microbes, dirty hands, or contact with contaminated objects can lead to contamination with parasites, which enter the body, using the intestines as hosts. Among the most common are pinworms, giardia, and limbricia.

They deprive the body of vitamins and minerals, the consequence being the deterioration of the general state of health.

intestinal worms: Restless sleep, a first symptom

If your little one does not manage to have a peaceful sleep, do not neglect this aspect. Abdominal pain, itching or constant restlessness can disrupt the quality of sleep during the night, without even suspecting that this is happening because of intestinal worms.

intestinal worms: Excessive spitting

If you notice that your little one starts spitting often, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is being rude and you should immediately scold him. Find out what is the cause behind this behavior, because the presence of intestinal worms determines the stimulation of the amount of saliva, so the child may feel the need to expectorate it.

intestinal worms: Smelly stool

A strong stool odor can sometimes indicate an infection in the intestines, such as that caused by intestinal parasites. That is why it is recommended to go to a specialist immediately after noticing a change in the smell of your child’s stool.

intestinal worms: Itching around the anus

Another sign that can help you realize in time that your little one has intestinal worms is persistent itching in the anus area and related irritations. This happens especially in the early hours of the morning because the worms reach the anus area, the sensation being extremely disturbing.

intestinal worms: Lack of appetite

It’s true that many of the little ones don’t get winded after eating, but if you notice a sudden and drastic decrease in appetite, this can be a sign of contamination with intestinal worms. Internal bleeding can also occur, which leads to the loss of iron from the body, implicitly to the appearance of anemia and loss of appetite.

intestinal worms: When you need to go to the doctor urgently

Do not postpone the visit to the doctor if the child has diarrhea, nausea or dizziness that persists for more than a few days. It is also important to tell the doctor if you have traveled to another country with your little one or if there is a possibility that he has drunk contaminated water. If left untreated, intestinal worms can affect the entire body of the child, which leads to delayed growth, hindering intellectual development, and affecting cognitive function.

intestinal worms: Diagnostic methods

Following a specialist consultation, the doctor will choose one of the methods for detecting intestinal worms. These include laboratory examination of fecal samples, the adhesive tape test – used to collect possible larvae around the anus, collecting samples from under the nails, and possibly an ultrasound, which is recommended especially in case of a severe infestation.

intestinal worms: How it is treated

Against intestinal worms, there are medicines that are administered orally, on the doctor’s recommendation. If the child also faces anemia, caused by an infestation with intestinal worms, there is a possibility that he may also need iron supplements.

intestinal worms: The best prevention methods

– frequent hand washing, both of parents before and after changing babies’ diapers, and of children after playing or going to the toilet

– avoiding the consumption of water from questionable sources

-periodic changing of bedding with clean and sterilized ones

-cleaning toys with disinfectant

– change of underwear every day

– cutting nails

– the prohibition of entering the house with outside shoes

– disinfecting the toilet

– washing vegetables and fruits.
