Do you listen to music too loud? Here’s what’s at stake!

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Nowadays, sounds easily exceed normal noise levels of about 85 decibels. Whether it’s the hair dryer, the kitchen mixer or MP3 players, they can all affect your hearing. In the city, the sources of loud noise are more varied and can put hearing in great danger, regardless of age.

In the countryside, sound waves are not so dangerous, but if the exposure to noise is constant and for a longer period, the risk of temporary hearing loss is high. What happens to young people who don’t want to give up their favorite accessory, headphones, when they go to school, when they are on breaks, at home, when they go out? Audiology specialist Cristian G., from Clinica Polisano, explained to us the risks young people are exposed to who listen to music with headphones, for many hours, at high volume.

And the noise from the clubs is harmful

Environmental noises that can affect hearing are not limited to those produced by drills, drills or other automated systems in businesses. The category of sounds harmful to hearing also includes those produced by music amplified too loudly, listened to with headphones or in clubs, as well as those produced by motorcycles, ATVs and scooters.

Even certain types of children’s toys can produce sounds that can permanently damage hearing. A sound that is not dangerous to hearing has an intensity of about 85 decibels. If in a normal conversation the sound intensity varies between 50 and 60 decibels, in the case of a rock concert, the sound intensity is 110-120 decibels, and in the case of headphones from mp3 players, the sounds can reach 100 decibels. The most common portable audio systems can produce sounds up to 95-115 decibels.

The degree to which blue is affected varies both depending on the volume (sound intensity measured in decibels – dB) and the period of time during which we are exposed to the noise.

-at 95 dB, problems will appear after 4 hours of exposure per day;

-at 100 dB, problems will appear after 2 hours of exposure per day;

– at 105 dB, problems will appear after one hour of exposure per day;

– at 110 dB, after 30 minutes of exposure per day;

– at 115 dB, problems will appear after 15 minutes;

-at 120 dB and above, hearing disorders set in momentarily.

Do you want to get a pair of headphones? Choose a variant to your liking, of the type that covers the ears. Although they are more comfortable, easier to handle and aesthetic, earphones that are inserted into the ears increase the risk of infections in the external and middle ear.

On the other hand, the headphones that cover the ears isolate the sound better, offering a much higher sound quality and thus, you will feel the need to stop turning the volume to the maximum. In-ear headphones can provide good sound isolation in relation to the external environment, only if they are customized, that is, they are made after a mold of the ear.

Symptoms that may indicate hearing problems include: ringing, buzzing, whistling, hissing, difficulty understanding someone in noisy environments or environments with poor acoustics, and the sensation of a blocked ear.

The only way to diagnose hearing loss is a specialized ENT consultation, which includes audiometric evaluations performed by an audiologist. These consist in the otoscopic examination of the ear, followed by the determination of the hearing threshold, using a device called an audiometer.

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Audiologist engineer Cristian G.

Polisano Clinic, Bucharest

Temporary hearing loss, common

If you go to the doctor as soon as you notice hearing problems, the chances of recovery are much higher. What happens when temporary or total hearing loss is found? Temporary hearing loss can be treated with specialist medication, while permanent hearing loss cannot be treated.

Temporary hearing loss is quite common, when a person is partially or completely unable to hear for a short period of time. This condition can be treated relatively easily, but if it is not taken seriously it can turn into a permanent hearing loss.
