All children enjoy the three magical months of vacation, when they are free to play, to dream, to forget about school. It is good, however, not to forget about homework, because it will be difficult for them to readjust in the fall. If your little one doesn’t have much initiative when it comes to holiday homework, explain why it’s good for them to do it, but don’t force them to stay at the desk for a certain time. Some parents choose variants of persuasion such as “Everyone will laugh at you because you don’t know the multiplication table anymore” or “You will end up washing dishes if you don’t keep studying”. Others condition him, telling him that he is only allowed to ride his bike if he does his homework. In some cases, these approaches work. You can try them, but first explain to him that he is doing the homework for him, not for the teachers and not for the parents, and that he will benefit from his vacation study when school starts again, because he doesn’t risk falling behind.
Homework first, then play
Let him feel like he’s on vacation, relax and play for a while, without worrying about lessons. The best time to start the holiday homework would be the end of July and the whole month of August. All the information will be fresh in his mind even before school starts. The right time for homework is in the early part of the day, before going to the beach or walking in the mountains. It’s good for him to write something every day, but don’t force him, but help him find a rhythm.
Lesson time, depending on age
For children in grades 1-4, half an hour or three quarters of an hour every day during the vacation period is enough for homework, and for those in grades 5-8, one hour, one hour and a half. After this interval, their attention decreases and they can no longer concentrate.
Gatherings, readings, performances
You can buy them holiday notebooks, collections, books to read or educational CDs. Board games are also very suitable for memory and knowledge enrichment, as are plays, children’s shows, creativity workshops, and sports activities keep him in shape and help him socialize with other children his age. They don’t necessarily have to write at the office every day, but you can “sprinkle” these activities into the program.
Only help him if he asks
When it comes time for homework, it’s good to let him work on his own. Tell him what to do, help him if he asks you to and check on him from time to time. Don’t force him to do more than he can do. If you think he won’t be able to finish what you decided together, don’t insist, because he won’t be productive and may never want to do homework again. If she is on vacation with her cousins, they can do homework together so they can help each other.