What is recommended to eat during pregnancy

What is recommended to eat during pregnancy


Cravings indicate your nutrient needs

The predilection for a certain food can be caused by certain deficiencies. If you crave sweets, it’s a sign that you lack proteins, calcium, and chromium.
This does not mean that you have to go to the first confectionery. Opt for poultry or beef, eggs, nuts, and whole grains.

On the other hand, if you were to eat only salty food, it is possible that you lack sodium or have an excess of carbohydrates, due to flour or pastry products.

The need for fatty foods masks the need for healthy fats found in fish, seeds, and nuts.

The craving for sour foods shows that gastric juices are losing their acidity, and pickles and citrus fruits can bring the pH back to normal values ​​for good digestion.

Respect your meal schedule

If you eat less and more often, you will avoid heartburn, nausea, digestive disorders, and weight gain. No matter how busy you are, for the sake of the little one, keep 3 main meals and 2 snacks during which you disconnect from the usual chores. Cook and give up fast food, fried food, and ready-made dishes, because the meat may not be prepared very well or it may contain raw eggs, which can hide bacteria like Salmonella, which can cause food poisoning.

Read also: What medicines are you allowed to take during pregnancy?

Nutrient substances useful for both

Iron deficiency weakens your immune system and can lead to anemia. Get it from beef, fish, eggs, nuts, sesame, beans, peas, whole grains, and raisins. Anemia is common among pregnant women and carries a higher risk of giving birth to a premature or low birth weight baby, prone to anemia in childhood.

Iron is assimilated better with the help of vitamin C, which you can take from citrus fruits, red bell pepper, and parsley.

Good to know!

The minerals on which the good development of your child depends and its protection from malformations, since its first day, as an embryo, are folic acid and calcium. You get them from vegetables, legumes, citrus fruits, sardines, cod, dairy products, and cheeses. Consult your gynecologist to recommend a food supplement, possibly a complex of vitamins and minerals.

You need a maximum of 2,500 calories per day

Outside of pregnancy, you should not have a daily caloric intake of more than 2,000 calories, but during pregnancy, you can reach 2,500.
If you ate healthy, at the end of the nine months, you should only have 11-12 kilograms more. These are due to the placenta, water retention, amniotic fluid, and the increase in the volume of the breasts and the uterus. The layer of fat under the skin weighs a little over one and a half kilograms.
