what you need to know about them

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Along with nausea, fatigue and swollen legs, more than two-thirds of women experience back pain during pregnancy, especially in the lumbar region.

Back pain during pregnancy can have several causes. These discomforts differ from one woman to another and from one trimester of pregnancy to another.

Back pain during pregnancy depending on the trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, back pain is provoked and accentuated so much hormonal changes which take place in the woman’s body, as well as the stress through which it passes. The level of progesterone increases rapidly in this first trimester, relaxing the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic area, while affecting the stability of the joints. Another hormone that helps prevent contractions in the early stages of pregnancy, relaxin, also causes instability and lower back pain.

Although pregnancy is a reason for joy, the expectant mother also faces many changes and has many decisions to make regarding the future, so it is almost impossible not to be affected by stress. And stress doesn’t just change your mental mood, it can also cause headaches, fatigue, stiff joints and back pain.

In the second and third trimester, back pain during pregnancy is generally related to weight gain and changes in posture. As the fetus develops in the womb, the center of gravity of the future mother changes towards the front. Some women bend over backwards to regain balance, which puts a lot of pressure on the back muscles. This situation leads to lumbar and muscle pain.

Also, the pounds added during pregnancy cause back and joint pain. Related to the number of kilograms a woman must put on during pregnancy, there are several recommendations. If the woman is underweight, it is recommended to put on between 12 and 18 kilograms, if she has a normal weight, between 11 and 15 kg, if she is overweight, between 7 and 11 kilograms, and if she is obese, between 5 and 9 kg.

Spacing of the rectus abdominis muscles (diastasis recti) that affects many women during pregnancy can also contribute to back pain.

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy

  • Stretching exercises for the back or practicing yoga positions

  • Sleeping on the side, with a pillow between the knees and under the abdomen

  • A relaxing sleep, in a well-ventilated, dark room where no noises are heard

  • Wearing a maternity belt

  • Using a lumbar pillow while sitting

  • Relaxation massages

  • Acupuncture sessions with a specialist who treats pregnant women
