Where you can take free childcare courses

How to prepare your body before pregnancy jpeg

At a childcare course, you not only have the opportunity to meet parents who are at the same stage, but especially with neonatologists and midwives who have answers to your questions related to preparing for life in 3.

Advantage in the first weeks with baby at home

At the end of such a course, future fathers will receive a certificate or an accredited certificate entitling them to 10 days of extra paid leave after the birth of the child, thus totaling a total of 3 weeks of postnatal leave, during which they will help the new mother in the first days of pregnancy.

That’s how you find out everything you need for baby care!

Pregnant women who are monitored during their pregnancy by a Bucur Maternity doctor can participate free of charge in 4 modules of the weekend course “Bucur Motherhood School” held at the maternity ward B in Bucharest (Str. Bucur no. 19, sector 4).

Also in Bucharest, regardless of the maternity hospital or clinic where they are going to give birth, expectant mothers can participate, during the week, in free childcare courses at Maternitatea Filantropia.

In Bucharest, but also in the province (Constanța, Galati, Iasi, Braşov, Cluj-Napoca, Timişoara, Oradea, Bacău), pregnant women are expected at the childcare course

. They will learn more about the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, nutrition during pregnancy, caring for the mother in the first weeks at home, luggage for hospital days, baby care, with practical demonstrations, and breastfeeding.

Future parents who live in Bucharest, Iasi, Bacău, Braşov, Constanta, Timisoara, Oradea, Deva, Cluj-Napoca can enroll for free in the childcare course of

. It is a health education and prevention campaign, carried out at the national level in Romania by Lifeline, a stem cell bank.

Pregnant women and their partners have the opportunity to learn not only about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, caring for the newborn, but also how to build the mother-baby attachment, how to mentally prepare for meeting the baby, notions of early parenting.
