3 ways to raise a happy child

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Do you want your little ones to develop harmoniously physically and mentally? You can still get advice from left and right, but take a look at these tricks approved by parenting specialists.

Having a happy child is not easy, that’s why psychologists and parenting specialists have put together parenting tips and techniques that give excellent results and are not difficult to put into practice. Find out below what these are and give the little one confidence in himself, teach him to relate well with those around him and to be able to adapt to changes.

Parenting techniques – Montessori system

Maria Montesorri was the first woman in Italy who finished medical school and who later worked with children with health problems. She was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize, and the educational system she developed is still popular in many countries around the world.

In Maria Montesorri’s view: 1. the child deserves respect, so polite requests are much better than orders; 2. get down to the same level as the child and look him in the eye when you talk to him; 3. make sure that the little one has a desk and a chair that fits his height, but also a closet where he can put his own clothes; 4. does not do things that the child can do alone; 5. the child will feel guilty for everything if you punish him for every mistake made; 6. the child will be much more confident if you support him and let him express his feelings; 7. let the child help you with household chores; 8. try to avoid plastic toys and choose the ones made of natural materials.

Parenting techniques – the Reggio method

The Italian psychologist Loris Malaguzzi made known some interesting aspects related to the way the child expresses himself. More precisely, he has many ways to express himself (through drawings, through the games he plays, through the songs he sings), and parents must know them. The mistake that parents often make is that they try to silence all these voices of the child. How to raise a happy child? Put into practice the advice of psychologist Loris Malaguzzi.

There are no wrong answers, just different points of view. Do not tell the child that he is wrong. Ask him what he wants to say and you will discover a different way of thinking.

Parenting techniques – Waldorf education

The main idea of ​​the Waldorf principles is to raise a child who is confident and who likes to discover that he has all kinds of creative abilities. There are no grades or tests in Waldorf schools, but students are able to pass exams just like students from other educational institutions.

Also, there is no book that teaches the parent how to communicate with the child. Each child is unique in its own way, so the parent must find the right way to relate to him. Simple toys, such as wooden cubes, develop his imagination, daily rituals teach him to be organized, and spending as much time as possible outdoors teaches him to observe details and live in harmony with nature.

