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What do you do when the child drowns?

Small children are at high risk of choking or choking on food. Thus, when the teeth start to grow, the little one goes through a period of diversification and has a tendency to...

How to raise a sociable child

Every parent wants to raise a sociable child who does well in school and has many friends. Some stragglers, however, find it difficult to maintain a dialogue with their peers. Thus, some...

What is recommended to eat during pregnancy

  Cravings indicate your nutrient needs The predilection for a certain food can be caused by certain deficiencies. If you crave sweets, it's a sign that you lack proteins, calcium, and chromium. This does not mean that...

Signs that he has intestinal worms

Walking with bare feet on surfaces full of microbes, dirty hands, or contact with contaminated objects can lead to contamination with parasites, which enter the body, using the intestines as hosts. Among the most...

Causes of IVF failure

"What went wrong, what is the cause, is there anything else to do?" are just some of the questions that bother the couples who put all their hopes in this procedure with multiple...

when it is recommended and what problems it detects

What it means and what information this test can provide are just some of the questions we asked Dr. Andreas Vythoulkas, specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, with superspecialization in infertility. The TORCH test is, above...

How do you protect your child from diseases in winter

As winter comes, you hear more and more mothers asking themselves: "What do you give your child for immunity?". And the answers come quickly: sea buckthorn syrup, echinacea, propolis or honey. Such...

Did the child put a foreign body in his ear? Here’s what to...

Various objects, mostly small and round, such as cotton wool, stones, beads, toys, pieces of paper – end up in . As long as it is not pushed deep, it can be extracted without...

Activities for children in the cold season

Education can be relaxing and fun for both the child and the parent. Thus, for good general development, parents must provide their children with multiple ways to play. Through games and educational activities, they will...

How to give your child more confidence in him

Give him time to build up his courage When he is in the community, let him talk to the other children. If you want him to handle himself, he has to climb the slide...


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