“Romanians are more protective when it comes to children”


Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a Filipino nanny in Romania looks like? What pushes her to leave her family and how does she like the nanny job?


Mylene exclusively answered our questions and helped us understand what makes Filipino nannies so special and why more and more parents are turning to Asian nannies, much to grandparents’ chagrin or joy.

Mylene Caradang is 42 years old, comes from Laguna Province, Philippines, is married and has no children. Maybe that’s why it was easier for her to leave her homeland to work as a nanny in a foreign country. He already has experience in this field and shared with us what exactly he does when he is at work and how he connects with the little ones. “I can tell you that I provide cooking for the children, I help them with all the necessary preparations for school, I even teach them to read. Usually, when you spend a lot of time with children, it’s easy to build a connection with them, because you do what they like: play with them, read to them, feed them or bathe them’, Mylene told us . How do children adjust to nannies and, just as importantly, how do they get used to little ones? Without thinking twice, Mylene revealed some secrets to us: “First of all, you have to know what they like and what they don’t like, and the best example here is food. When you don’t know a dish, you learn to cook it. You also need to be patient because children often have tantrums. In my experience, for example, with Arab employers, the parents are more aggressive, but even then the children remain adorable. The nannies take into account what the children want, but always with limits, because it’s about the children and they don’t always know what’s good for them’.

How long is the accommodation?

We wondered how long it takes a Filipino nanny to adapt to the new conditions, to get used to the new family and if the parents help her in this process of accommodation. The working schedule is not a regular one, but from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening, and after work, the nannies keep in touch with their parents through video calls. Their employers (families) provide them with accommodation and food, so much of the salary they collect goes to their loved ones in the Philippines. Going back to the settling-in period, for Mylene, for example, the initial period lasts about a month. The most important thing is to know her schedule and, above all, what the family expects from her. “It should be very clear what my responsibilities are. Also during this time I also find out the culinary preferences of the children and the regularity with which they are allowed to serve a certain type of food. Moreover, because I come from Asia, I need to know if this kind of food is also wanted in the menu. Usually, in about a month, all these details are very clear to everyone’, the woman explained to us.

She takes care of children and 3 cats

From the moment everything is established, she, the children and the parents get along very well, because trust is already gained and everyone sees what they have to do: “We don’t have time to interact a lot, because the employers, usually , I don’t spend much time at home. I am really lucky, because I have a generous employer here in Romania, who actually brought my husband here, next to me’, Mylene confessed to us.

Currently, he works for a family in Romania with grown children and cats, so he has work to do, no joke! She does almost everything, irons clothes, cooks, cleans and also takes care of the family’s three cats. Usually, nannies also go on vacations with families with small children. In Mylena’s case, the children are older, around 10 years old. “The little children I take care of here are the cats (laughs)”, the nice Filipino nanny told us.

Why did she get jewelry from the father of a child

We asked her if she became attached to the children she cared for and if she made special memories with them, and Mylene surprised us with the statement she gave us.All the children I have taken care of are special to me. I even miss the Arabs. It’s normal for a Filipino woman to treat children as if they were her own, I think that’s what makes us so special. A beautiful memory is related to Dubai and the moment when my employer offered me jewelry, at the request of his child, who, after seeing that his mother wore jewelry, wanted to make sure that I also had these accessories. I was very moved by this moment, because through this gesture, Ismail showed me how much he cares for me and that he actually sees me as a mother’.

Differences in mentality, habits, education

We couldn’t help but wonder if there are major differences in the lifestyle of the Romanians, as opposed to the Filipino one. Here’s what Mylene told us:I don’t think there are very big differences, but there are some. For example, the food is very different. The same is the time of day when children are bathed. Here, in Romania, and in the Arab Emirates, this happens in the evening, while in the Philippines, in the morning. At the mentality level, in Romania parents are more protective when it comes to children, which is a good thing, because they ensure that the little ones are always safe. Americans are more modern and leave the children completely in the care of the responsible staff. In Romania, on the other hand, mothers call several times a day to make sure everything is okay with their children. This does not happen in America’, the nanny explained to us.

Mylene Caradang arrived in Romania through the recruitment agency Bona de Nota 10, which has been bringing staff (nannies and housekeepers) from the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Nepal since 2010.
