What job would suit your child?

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As a parent, you want to be a support for your child to help him have the best possible future. In addition to encouragement and advice, he also needs your guidance. Help him discover his skills and make the most of them!

A wrongly chosen career can affect young people at the beginning of their journey, the consequences being the frequent change of job in the future or the feeling of dissatisfaction. That is why, since adolescence, it is useful for the child to receive the guidance of parents or even psychologists for a complete evaluation. Early discovery of talents will help him develop and perfect his native abilities.

Let yourself be guided by his nature

  • If you have noticed that you have a child with a special inclination for sports activities, with a developed motor capacity and who is active all day long, having an increased resistance to effort, then it is very possible that a job such as that of an athlete, a coach will suit him , a dancer or a policeman.

  • Among your child’s favorite activities are reading, writing or playing certain characters? If the answer is yes and, in addition, you noticed that he has developed speaking skills and a good memory, it is clear that the jobs that suit him are related to people and the public domain. Your child can become a successful writer, actor, teacher, journalist, director, psychologist, advertising man, lawyer or, why not, politician.

  • If you have noticed your child’s passion for everything that means art (drawing, painting, design), that he easily creates successful color combinations or that he is extremely inventive, this means that his creative side is strongly developed. That is why it is advisable not to restrict it and to give it the opportunity to develop it as much as possible, so that in the future it can orientate itself, if it wishes, towards jobs such as painter, architect, designer, chemist or photographer .
  • If your child has a more withdrawn nature, although he likes to pay attention to everything that happens around him, but prefers not to externalize too much, a job like computer science might suit him, instrumentalist, translator, geographer, historian or archivist.

It does not impose on him what to “choose”

The child should never be seen as an extension of the parent, through which he projects his own aspirations, because each person is unique. Resist the temptation to tell your child what to do, and in this way you will both win: you will avoid possible conflicts and you will help him discover himself.

Consult a professional advisor

Visiting a professional counselor can help the child discover his skills. In this sense, there are special tests for assessing strengths, after which the areas that suit him best will be identified.

Give the child the chance to experiment

In order to support him on the path of knowledge, it is not necessary to take a lot of courses in various fields, especially in those that do not interest him, but rather to identify the things that really give him pleasure. Find out together what his interests are, the subjects he excels at and what activities he prefers without being forced. To begin with, you can use a list of his hobbies as a starting point. Give the child the opportunity to try new activities, from which he can choose the ones that interest him the most.

Be patient and encourage him

Remind your child that discovering his vocation requires time and patience, because the process of self-discovery cannot be done overnight. It is also important to mention to him that regardless of his choice, you will be by his side and support him.


According to psychologists, the best career for your child is one where strengths and passions come together.
