What do you do if you catch him lying?

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Teenagers resort to lying either to use it as a defense shield or to attract attention. It is true that, most of the time, lying can save them from a rebuke, but in the long run it can harm them. Inevitably, they get used to lying about everything

Find out why he lied to you

The moment you discovered that he lied to you, ask him on the spot what made him do it. When you put off confrontation, you may forget that he lied.

Even if at the moment you will be tempted to shout at him, it is better to refrain, because you will not get anything from him. Ask him first what his reasons were for lying. You will be surprised to discover that maybe he was afraid to tell the truth because of the consequences.

For example, maybe he didn’t get a passing grade in his thesis, and he tells you that he got a very good grade. In such situations, a lie can endanger his school situation and, therefore, it must be discovered in time.

Don’t force him to do what he doesn’t like

No one likes to be told what to do, and even less so does a teenager. Therefore, do not try to impose your own ideas, but talk with him to reach a common denominator together.

For example, don’t force him to sign up for a dance class if he’s someone who prefers outdoor sports. There is a risk of throwing money out the window, because he will lie to you about going to classes, and he will prefer other activities.

Hear his point of view

Every teenager rebels against his parents at least once in his life. According to psychologists, this is normal, because some parents still treat them like small children, and their behavior comes as a request for the new rights of adults.

In general, when a teenager is not understood by his parents, he uses a lie as a defense shield. That’s why it’s good to take his point of view into account, and when he’s not right, give him arguments in this regard.

For example, many teenage girls wear make-up to school, but do not apply make-up at home for fear of their parents, but in the school toilet. Inevitably, their less school-like appearance will also influence their school situation.

Communication makes the difference

A teenager talks openly with his parents only when the relationship between them is based on mutual trust. For example, parents generally require their children to come home at 10 p.m. at the latest.

But when a colleague celebrates his birthday, be flexible and allow him to stay until midnight.

In order not to be worried, ask the parents of the celebrant to supervise him closely. With such an attitude you show him that you trust him and he will no longer be tempted to lie to you to get something.
