What he needs to know if he has started his sexual life

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Along with puberty, the adolescent enters a vulnerable period, being “bombarded” with various information about sex from sources that are not exactly reliable and which often erroneously present him with the risks to which he is exposed. Although you may have reservations and the child is more shy at first, approach the subject naturally and make sure that he has understood the information correctly.

Don’t avoid answering their questions

A British study shows that teenagers who are told early about pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are less likely to start their sex life too early. So if he started asking you questions, stop delaying the answers.

Ask him first what he knows about sexual relations. After you listen to him, try to give him the knowledge he lacks and fill in the knowledge that only shows him part of the glass.

Explain to him in his understanding

From an American study, it appears that young people supervised for less than five hours a week are more likely to have unprotected sex and thus get sick the fastest from sexually transmitted diseases.

Most of the information they have about sex is “broken” from reality, and teenagers are largely unaware of the risks of unprotected sex. Therefore, tell your child what are the physical dangers that sexual relations involve.

This way you eliminate the possibility that he takes in information inappropriate for his age and misinterprets certain things. Also, try to be as explicit as possible, so that the young man understands how things are.

Put your ideas in order and prepare for difficult questions. You can tell him about cases where thoughtless and irresponsible sexual relations had serious consequences for those involved.

Adopt a natural attitude

Be as relaxed as possible when talking about this topic, because in this way you will also help the child to feel comfortable when he approaches you and wants to ask questions. It is important that he feels that you are telling him these things because you want his good and not because you want to restrict his freedom.

Ask him for his opinion too, because in this way he will feel appreciated and will be more involved in the conversation. Tell him that the only way to protect himself from sexually transmitted diseases is the condom and that he must use it even if he uses other methods of contraception.

Draw her attention to the fact that sex is not a sport or a fun or relaxing activity, but a very serious thing that must be treated with maturity. Also, teach him to be very careful when choosing his intimate partner.

They have to do their tests periodically

If she had unprotected sex or the condom broke, the teenager should know that she can prevent pregnancy if she takes the morning-after pill within 72 hours of sexual contact.

But remind her that this pill, like birth control pills, does not protect her from sexually transmitted diseases.

Gonorrhea, HIV or HPV infections, viral hepatitis B and C and syphilis are just some of the “silent” diseases that can be present without obvious symptoms. Explain to them that in order to detect them, they must regularly go to a gynecologist and undergo medical tests.
